Page 70 of Auctioned

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Tate’s eyes opened wide, like those of a panther, and with a sudden ferocity he flung me onto the floor, cradling my impact as his body landed atop mine. I could see that he was right near the edge, and that while my riding had been fantastic for both of us, his cock wanted to go fast, fast, fast.

He plunged back into me, and I went somewhere else inside myself. His pace was insane, almost superhuman — could all guys fuck at this speed and with these perfect motions? He was a fighter, a dancer, a lover. How was Tate making me feel like this? His hand went between my legs, never slowing his pace, and he rubbed my clit, his breath hot on my cheek.

“I’m gonna come,” he told me, the words barely audible as he raggedly drove his cock into my womanhood. “Tell me you love me.”

“I love you.”

“Again,” he breathed, his pace picking up with a wild fury.

“I love you!” I screamed, the truth breaking free from my lips and echoing in the limo.

And with that, Tate exploded inside me. My juices were sticky between my legs. I clung tightly to him, pressing my feet into the backs of his thighs, forcing every last drop of goodness from his dick.

At last, I knew I’d wrung every drop out of him. Tate sat shakily back onto his knees and then scooted his naked, sweaty ass onto the bare limo seat, not caring that he was certainly leaving marks on the leather. I sat up on my elbows so that I could see his face, including the one single, damp lock of dark blond hair that hung above his forehead, making him look like some kind of classic 1950s jock. All he was missing was the varsity sweater.

“Okay,” he said, wiping a hand across his forehead. “I definitely love you.”

We laughed in unison.



POST-COITUS, I wrapped Kiki in a leather jacket I’d left in the limo a few days prior. It was so big on her that it hung all the way to her thighs. There was something primarily satisfying about seeing her in my clothing, knowing that my scent would linger on and inside her for the rest of the day.

She pushed her hair back, the roots slightly darker than the rest of her hair from our communal sweat.

“Did you mean it?” she asked as she nestled into the seat across from me, her feet in my lap.

I began to massage them while my driver continued to do laps around the Strip, still just waiting for me to decide where we went next.

“I said I love you and I’ll say it every day until I die,” I said as I kissed her forehead.

“I know,” she replied with a contented smile. “I mean the other thing. Are you really gonna sell Dazzlers?”

I thought about it for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah. I said it on the spur of the moment, obviously, but… I think it’s what I’ve been wanting to say for a long time. It just took the pressure of the situation, and seeing you in danger, to make me rearrange my priorities. I wish it hadn’t taken a full-blown kidnapping for me to get my shit together, but hey, at least I figured it out, right?”

She shook her head. “I love you, but I don’t believe you. Dazzlers is your life, your legacy. Are you sure you wanna leave it behind?”

“It’s my father’s legacy. I have so much more I want to do with my life. Our life together. I’ll prove it to you.”

I crawled across the seats to retrieve my pants from the floor, digging inside their pockets until I located my phone. I pulled it out and pressed a few buttons, then hit speakerphone. A dial tone rang through.

The person at the other end picked up after the first ring.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

I held Kiki’s green eyes with mine as I spoke clearly into the phone.

“Sell Dazzlers, Jack.”

Kiki grinned, biting her tongue between her teeth. There was a decades-long pause over the phone.

At last, Jack replied, “This isn’t funny, sir.”

I restrained a laugh. That was certainly the most uppity thing he’d said to me in years of working together.

“I’m serious, Jack. I want out of this business, out of this town. You’re gonna sell Dazzlers. Sell it as a whole casino, or shut down operations and sell the lot. Hire the Realtors, do whatever you have to do. I trust that you can handle this. I imagine it’ll take some time, but I’m in no hurry. Just get it done.”

“No, sir, I can’t let you make such a rash decision.”

“Oh, Jack. I wasn’t putting in a request. It’s an order. Sell Dazzlers.”

Kiki’s hands went up to cover her agape mouth, her eyes so wide I could see the little disco lights reflected in them.
