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‘Me?’ She shook her head uncertainly. ‘If he doesn’t wish to tell, then I doubt I’ll be able to persuade him.’

‘Oh, but do try. He’s so secretive, it drives me to distraction. I can’t think why he won’t say.’

‘Because it’s not very interesting.’ He sounded stern again suddenly. ‘You already know my mother left Levisham before I was born and we moved to Whitby when I was twelve. I don’t see why any further details are necessary.’

‘I’m only curious.’

‘Then I’m sorry to disappoint you, Kitty. Again.’

‘But if you just give us a clue...’

‘You expressed an interest in the decorations, Miss Holt.’ He spoke over Kitty, extending an arm out towards her. ‘Would you care to take a closer look?’

Ianthe looked at his arm, torn between wildly conflicting emotions. As much as she wanted to escape Kitty’s questions, she found physical contact with him equally disconcerting. On the other hand, while she was with him, Sir Charles seemed to be keeping his distance. Surely that was a good enough reason to stay by his side?

‘I’d be delighted.’ She placed a hand on his biceps tentatively, trying not to react as an immediate jolt passed between them.

‘This way then, Miss Holt.’

They made their way in strained silence around the room. The decorations were as impressive up close as they’d been from a distance, though she found it hard to appreciate them with her angry companion standing so close beside her. His obvious bad mood was starting to affect her nerves. She’d been afraid of him bringing up the subject of marriage again, but he seemed in no mood to talk at all. He was still scowling, as if Kitty’s questions had struck a particularly raw nerve. Surely a little conversation wouldn’t go amiss... At last she couldn’t bear the silence any longer.

‘I don’t think she meant to upset you.’

‘Mmm?’ His scowl deepened momentarily, as if he’d forgotten she was there. ‘Oh, I know. Her heart’s in the right place, but she’s just...’


nbsp; ‘Inquisitive?’

‘That would be the polite way of putting it. If it weren’t already so blindingly obvious, I’d warn you not to tell her any secrets.’

She stiffened immediately. ‘What makes you think that I have any?’

‘Doesn’t everyone?’

‘Do you?’ She turned the question around.

‘Most of my secrets are already public knowledge.’

‘They can’t be so bad, then.’

‘That depends on your perspective.’ He gave a bitter-sounding laugh. ‘There’s very little about my past that people around here don’t know. Most of what they say is true, though you should know that I’ve no intention of discussing any of it either now or in the future.’

‘Oh.’ She started, taken aback by the sudden granite tone of his voice. His eyes, too, were hooded, as if shutters had been deliberately drawn over them. On the other hand, his words brought a glimmer of hope. A husband who didn’t want to talk about his past could hardly expect his wife to reveal too much about hers. In which case...could she consider his offer? The thought made her breathing quicken erratically.

‘Perhaps some secrets are best kept hidden?’ She tried to keep her tone light.

‘There’s no perhaps about it. There are some things about my own past I’d rather not know. I prefer to look to the future. Unless I can learn from the past, I’d rather not look back.’

She turned her face aside, mind racing with the implications of his words. If there were some things he preferred not to know, then maybe there was no need for her to tell him about Albert. No need for him ever to know. If she could be the wife he wanted now, could that be all that mattered?

‘Have I shocked you, Miss Holt?’

She kept her face averted so that he couldn’t read her expression. In truth, it was her own thoughts that shocked her. His proposal wasn’t romantic, but it might be the escape she was looking for—an arrangement that would benefit both of them—wasn’t that what he’d said? She didn’t want to be rescued any more than she wanted to be coerced or threatened, but if her brother really disowned her then she’d have little choice but to accept one of her suitors, and if she had to choose one...

And surely the strange physical reaction she seemed to feel around him would pass? After all, it was only physical. She didn’t dislike him any more—not after he’d come to her rescue twice in one day—but she wasn’t about to do anything so foolish as fall in love with him. After what had happened with Albert, she’d no intention of falling for any man’s charms ever again.

In which case, she might as well consider his offer...
