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‘Really?’ Robert quirked an eyebrow.

‘Yes.’ Matthew jutted his chin out determinedly. ‘I’m going to show her around. Mrs Lughton says she hasn’t been anywhere yet.’

Ianthe blinked in surprise. She hadn’t realised that her movements, or lack of them, had been the subject of conversation in the house. Fortunately, Robert didn’t appear to find anything strange about it.

‘Then perhaps you might permit me to join you? If you don’t mind my spending some time with your new governess, that is?’

‘Can we still go to the beach?’

‘We’ll go along the pier. Now go and fetch a coat.’

Ianthe’s pulse quickened as Matthew charged out of the room, leaving them alone together. With him gone, the room seemed smaller somehow, stifling almost, as if there wasn’t enough air to breath.

‘What about you, Ianthe?’ Robert’s voice sounded different now, too, quieter and more sombre. ‘Do you object to me accompanying you?’

‘I... No.’ She wavered uncertainly. His unexpected arrival was making her feel flustered enough. The thought of going outside with him as well made her feel positively faint. She hadn’t even agreed to Matthew’s plan! But if she refused now, it might make the situation between them even worse. She pursed her lips anxiously. How could she explain that it wasn’t him she objected to so much as the thought of going outdoors at all? She felt crazy even admitting the fear to herself.

A muscle twitched in his jaw. ‘Are you certain?’

She took a deep breath, forcing the fear away. ‘Of course. A walk sounds very pleasant.’

‘Good.’ The tension in his face seemed to ease slightly. ‘How are you, Ianthe?’

‘I’m well.’ She swallowed, trying to think of something else to say. ‘I thought you weren’t due back until Saturday?’

‘My business didn’t take as long as I expected.’



‘Have you settled in?’

‘Yes. Mrs Baxter showed me around.’ She gestured towards the household keys hanging in a loop from her belt. ‘I still might need a map, though. I can’t remember where any of these go.’

‘Ah.’ He didn’t return her smile. ‘I was going to give you a tour, wasn’t I?’

‘It doesn’t matter. I think she enjoyed it.’

‘Probably.’ He paced around the room, still keeping the desk between them. ‘How’s Matthew doing?’

‘I think we’re starting to make progress.’

‘Let me know if he isn’t paying attention.’

‘He’s a good boy.’ She picked up a small blackboard. ‘Here’s his work from this morning if you’d like to check.’

Robert’s brow creased. ‘I’m not here to inspect you, Ianthe.’

‘Oh.’ She let her hand fall again. ‘My old employer always wanted to look.’

‘I’m not your employer. I just wondered if there was anything you might need?’

‘Not that I can think of—but thank you.’

He gave a curt nod, hesitating for a moment before speaking again. ‘We may not have a conventional marriage, but I’d like for us to be friends.’

‘Friends?’ Her voice sounded strangely high pitched.
