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‘All right.’ She peeped up at him from under her lashes, her doe eyes alarmingly enticing. ‘As long as you don’t tell Matthew. He’ll be furious if he finds out we’ve been to the beach without him.’

‘That boy’s starting to behave like your lapdog.’

She laughed gleefully as they made their way towards the promenade. ‘He even wants to be walked. He’s always trying to persuade me to hold our lessons outside.’

‘And have you?’

‘Not yet.’

He threw a quick glance towards her, trying to keep his tone casual as he tested a theory. ‘I’ve heard that some people are scared of the sea.’

‘I’m not.’ Her expression became wary at once.

‘Good. Though if there was something that did frighten you, I hope that you’d tell me. I might be able to help.’

She looked pensive, pursing her lips in that familiar way of hers as they started down the winding path that led to the west beach. ‘I’m not sure I can explain it. It’s not something I understand myself. Sometimes I just...panic.’

‘Have you always done so?’

‘No.’ She spoke hesitantly, as if choosing her words with care. ‘Something happened a little while ago. Something that upset me. It’s over and done with, but I haven’t wanted to go outside ever since. All the just feels overwhelming.’

‘Do you feel overwhelmed now?’

‘No.’ She shook her head. ‘Now I feel normal.’

He clenched his jaw, head whirling with possibilities. ‘The thing that happened...was it on the day after the ball?’

She was silent long enough to confirm it.

‘And was that what convinced you to marry me?’

‘Yes.’ Her voice sounded small and unsteady.

‘Will you tell me what happened?’


‘Were you hurt?’


He let out a breath of relief. ‘Then will you tell me if there’s anything I can do about it?’

‘Yes, but it won’t happen again.’ She glanced towards him nervously. ‘Does it bother you?’

‘It bothers me that something happened and that you’re still scared because of it. But I’m glad that you told me.’ They reached the deserted sea wall, and he jumped down, reaching his hands up to help her. ‘Here.’

‘I can’t go down there.’ She gestured at her new dress. ‘I’ll get all sandy.’

‘We’re done being respectable today, Ianthe.’

‘We’re done?’

‘Yes.’ He grinned, trying to put her at ease again. ‘There’s only so much a man without breeding can take.’

She gave him an arch look as she put her hands on his shoulders and jumped.

‘There.’ He kept his hands on her waist, holding her tight in the circle of his arms. ‘Now it’s your turn.’
