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‘He is.’ He rested his chin on her shoulder, watching the seals for a few minutes before walking down the dunes to stare out at the rolling green waves beyond. ‘You’re right, this place is special. I can see why you love it here.?


‘I really do.’ She clambered back to her feet and followed him. ‘Now I’m back, I feel complete somehow. Does that makes sense?’

‘Perfect sense. You hadn’t come to terms with the loss of your parents when we got married. I forced you to leave too soon.’

‘It wasn’t your fault. You weren’t to know and you were grieving, too. Besides, you’ve more than made up for it now.’

‘Have I?’ A shadow passed over his face. ‘Because I want to. Only I’m afraid there may be other...’

He didn’t get any further as a mother seal came hurtling around the edge of a sand dune suddenly, barking loudly to chase them away.

‘Come on.’ Constance tugged on his arm and sprinted towards the beach. The tide was halfway out, leaving a vast expanse of untouched, unspoiled sand. It looked so tempting that she couldn’t resist spreading her arms out like wings and twirling around with glee. She was happy, purely and perfectly happy, not just because she was home, but because of Matthew, too. She’d hoped for friendship at most, had never expected to care for him, but now she couldn’t deny that she did... If it wasn’t too soon then she might even have thought she was in love with him, but it was too soon. Wasn’t it?

‘Isn’t it wonderful?’ she called back to Matthew.


‘You know, I used to walk on the beach every day with my mother. I don’t think I could ever get tired of this view.’

‘You were talking about the beach?’ He laughed as he caught up and gathered her into his arms. ‘I wasn’t talking about that view, although I suppose it’s quite nice, too.’

‘Quite nice?’

‘I’d rather be looking at you, especially with your hair down like this.’

‘Oh, dear.’ She lifted a hand to her head. She’d been in such a rush to show him the seal beach that morning that she hadn’t even bothered to tie it back, let alone braid it, but since returning to Lacelby she’d found herself caring less and less about her appearance. ‘My aunt would be horrified.’

‘Well, I’m not.’ He pressed his lips to her neck. ‘Quite the opposite.’

‘I’ve noticed.’ She closed her eyes and tipped her head back, relishing the feel of his mouth on her skin. After two weeks, a substantial part of which time had been spent in their bedchamber, neither of them were showing any signs of getting tired of the other. She actually had the impression that he’d been holding back at first. Now he was becoming positively insatiable.

‘How could you ever have thought I would prefer one of your cousins?’ He slid his hands over her hips, tugging her gently but insistently towards him.

‘I thought you’d prefer someone who looked like a lady.’

‘You look like a lady.’ His voice sounded stern again.

‘I mean that other kind of lady. You know...’ she waved a hand ‘...the perfect kind.’

‘I’m holding the perfect kind in my arms right now.’ He lifted his head to look at her again. ‘I don’t want you comparing yourself to anyone any more, Constance, I mean it.’

‘Then I won’t.’ She twined her arms around his neck. ‘You know, I always hated the way men looked at me, as if they were hungry somehow. It made me feel as if I were just a body. But when you look at me, it’s like you see me, too.’

‘Because I do.’

‘Only occasionally...’ she reached up on tiptoe and pressed her forehead and nose against his ‘ look hungry, too.’

‘Right now I’m ravenous.’ His voice was a low rumble, sending a frisson of excitement shooting through her veins. She could actually feel the warmth spreading out from her stomach and down between her thighs. ‘Unfortunately, we’re a long way from a bed.’

‘I’ve always thought sand dunes looked soft.’

He lifted an eyebrow. ‘You’ve noticed the temperature, I presume?’

‘Yes, but I also remember you telling me you don’t feel the cold any more. And I’m more than confident in your ability to warm me up.’ She traced a finger along the curve of his mouth. ‘Besides, I thought you said I was the commander here?’

‘Then consider me your obedient servant, my lady.’ His eyes darkened, the pupils widening with desire as he bent down and curled his arms around her legs, sweeping her up against his chest.
