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‘So where will you go next?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You seem to like travelling.’

‘It hasn’t always been by choice. But I might not go anywhere. A man needs to put down roots some time.’

Her body jerked suddenly. ‘You mean you want to stay here?’

‘Maybe. The King rewards his knights.’

‘And he’s going to reward you?’


‘For capturing me?’

‘In part.’

‘With land? Saxon land?’

He threw her a pointed look. ‘Norman land now.’

‘Somewhere like Etton?’


She rounded on him angrily. ‘So that’s it? You’re only admiring the land because you want to steal it!’

‘Steal it?’ He sighed heavily. ‘Hell’s teeth, I have already told you—your marriage will allow you to keep your land.’

‘And I have already told you I don’t want to marry a Norman!’ Her gaze narrowed suddenly. ‘Besides, what about Aediva?’

‘What about her?’

‘She’s lived in Etton her whole life. Where’s she supposed to go?’

‘I’m sure arrangements can be made.’

‘You don’t even care!’

‘Why should I? Am I supposed to care about every woman in England? One of you is bad enough.’

She muttered something under her breath and he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

‘For pity’s sake, woman, what do you intend to do if you don’t marry again? If you’re thinking about joining the rebels, then don’t. I’ve seen your sword skills.’

‘I’ll think of something.’

‘Do that.’ He clenched his jaw in exasperation. ‘It’s still a long way to Redbourn. I’d use the time to think, if I were you.’

* * *

Aediva turned her face away, not wanting to look at him a second longer. So that was why he’d been talking about farming! She’d actually thought he’d been trying to comfort her, to distract her from painful memories, but instead he’d been thinking about claiming her home for himself! And she’d been naive enough to feel grateful, talking to him as she might to a Saxon, as if he were someone other than her enemy!

She was still fuming as they crested the hill and started down the other side, looking out over a wide green expanse that curved all the way down to Redbourn, where William FitzOsbern was waiting for her.

The thought made her shudder.
