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“Yes. West and I aren’t lovers. He hasn’t even kissed me.”

Anger had Silas flinging away until he couldn’t see her. The bitter memory of his despair this last month strangled any relief he might have felt. Anyway, what was there to be relieved about? Her plan to take West to her bed hadn’t changed. This confession gave Silas a short reprieve, nothing more.

“Why in Hades are you telling me this?” he grated out, curling his hands hard over the edge of the bench. Otherwise he was likely to grab those slender shoulders and give her a good shake until she started thinking straight.

“You were so angry with me. I knew you didn’t approve.” Her voice developed an edge. “Although what I do with West is none of your business.”

“The devil it’s not.”

“I shouldn’t have come,” she muttered. “I’d hoped we could be friends again. I hate the way that lately everything we say feels like a bullet fired from a gun.”

“I’ll wager talking to West is easier.” He cursed the words the minute they emerged, and he turned to apologize—again. But her devastated expression choked him to silence.

“Why do you say such things? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous.”

“And of course, you always know better,” he snapped.

She squared her shoulders and regarded him like something slimy eating his seedlings. “I don’t know what’s got into you lately, Silas. I came here with nothing but good will, and now I want to clout you with a flowerpot.”

He sucked in a breath, but it wasn’t enough to stop him saying the last thing he wanted. “Perhaps it’s too late for us to find common ground.”

When her eyes darkened with renewed hurt, guilt stabbed him. “I’m truly sorry if you feel like that. Perhaps I should go.” She veered toward the door with a clumsiness he’d never seen in her before, not even when she’d been near collapse at the Oldhams’ ball. “I’m sorry I bothered you, Lord Stone.”

Bothered him? She drove him absolutely insane. “I suppose you’re going to continue with this absurd pursuit of West. You know, if he wanted you, he’d do the running.”

“Perhaps he’s a kinder man than you and he’s giving me time to make up my mind,” she said in a muffled voice.

“Like hell he is.” He lunged after her and seized her arm in an implacable grip, all his honorable intentions about letting her choose her own way dissolving to ash. “In the meantime, while West dawdles, you’re going without kisses. That just isn’t good enough. A woman like you needs kisses. Lots of them.”

She trembled in his hold. “Silas, let me go.”

His grip firmed. “No true friend would want to see you deprived.”


He caught a fleeting glimpse of eyes shooting sapphire fire before the barely leashed beast inside him overpowered the last shreds of restraint. On a surge of furious triumph, he swept Caro up against his body and his lips crashed down onto hers.

Chapter Five

Heat like she’d never known before engulfed Caroline. Forbidden excitement streaked through her. Good sense went up in flames as her temper and desire rose to meet Silas with equal fervor. She was lost to the storm raging between them. Anything beyond this moment faded to insignificance.

With sizzling intent, his mouth moved on hers, demanding participation. Helpless to resist, she parted her lips, sighing surrender. He dragged her closer and his tongue dipped into her mouth, making her shake with reaction. She moaned and curled her arms around his neck.

With a suddenness that left her bewildered, he jerked free. Ruthlessly he hauled her arms down. Then his hands circled her upper arms, hard enough to hold her, soft enough to feel like a caress. He glared down at her as if he hated her.

“Slap me. I deserve it,” he said roughly.

She fought to find her balance. The abrupt end to that fiery kiss left her reeling.

“Curse you, I should,” she hissed as her lips tingled for more kisses. She felt so torn—until this moment, she’d had no idea he even wanted to kiss her.

Well, now she knew, and the knowing was dangerous. If she had any sense, she’d scurry out of this greenhouse as fast as she could run. But confused and unsure, she lingered. Her pride had crumbled so low that right now, she almost didn’t care if he kissed her in anger or pity or passion. She’d take anything as long as he didn’t leave her teetering and dizzy on the edge of this chasm.

“Then do it.” He still looked half mad.

She had no idea what he wanted. To send her away? To throw her onto one of those cluttered benches and toss her skirts up? The wanton image of Silas thrusting inside her made her belly twist with such anticipation, it felt like pain. A whimper escaped her as she fought the need to pull him down and kiss him until he satisfied her ravenous hunger.

“Caro, for God’s sake…” His eyes were black and lightless. Deep lines extended from the corners of his lips to his nose. A muscle jerked erratically in one cheek. He looked close to shattering. After one little kiss.
