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I can’t contain my loud burst of laughter. So that’s what he was worried about. “No man, I’m not in any trouble at all. I swear.”

He meets my eyes for a long moment, reading the truth in them. “How’s your knee?” he asks.

“Better every day,” I assure him, flexing it a few times to show my improved range of motion.

He jabs a finger against the button and the doors glide closed behind us. With a quiet hum we descend a few floors and head to Xavier’s office where he is waiting for us.

Travis knocks firmly on the door before immediately pushing it open.

“Hey man,” he greets X, crossing to the minibar and pouring two fingers worth of whiskey in a glass. Can’t blame him, but I don’t make myself at home as easily as Trav does.

“What’s this about bugs,” I chuckle, joking around, “better hope they don’t bite your guests.”

X shakes his head at me with a half-smile, “Want a drink?” he asks waving a hand toward the bottle Travis set on the desk. I’m not about to turn his offer down; I do well, but even I don’t have the money to pay for some of the high-quality liquor he keeps on hand.

“Weaver says it’s the only thing she can think of with his inside man being in custody.” He means Dominic and Ana’s father Vince. Vince is still hospitalized in police custody, recuperating from the gunshot wound X delivered rescuing his wife. When they discharge him, he will be going straight to jail awaiting trial for his part in Ana and Faye’s kidnapping.

Behind me Travis inquires, “No chance that someone else is feeding him information?”

Xavier lifts a shoulder, “Pretty sure that’s not the case. Only the two of you know everything that’s going on. Ana doesn’t want to know any details, and I’m keeping everyone else on a need to know basis.” He slides the bottle toward himself and pours a small amount. “Other than Gray and Geno, no one needs to know anything other than to be looking out for Dom and his crew.”

While listening to them talk, I have been moving around the room looking for evidence that anything has been tampered with. Manually checking the outlets and electronics in the room that are the most likely place for something to have been hidden. There’s nothing obvious, so I take the small electronic device out of my pocket and use it to start scanning everywhere.

I glance up to see X watching me, “Radio-frequency detector,” I inform him, seeing the unspoken question in his eyes. “Just in case I missed something.” I quickly finish my sweep of the room and slip it back in my pocket. “Nothing here.”

“That’s good,” Xavier grunts, his tone clearly saying the opposite as he puts the whiskey bottle back in the cabinet. “Let’s check the penthouse then.”

As we make our way to the elevator I half listen to the two of them talking about Travis and Faye’s wedding plans and appointments with the priest. It would be the perfect time to make a joke, but I can’t. I already know that I want that with Ellie and it’s no joking matter. Instead of saying anything I roll my eyes, pretending to be the same old Blake, the one who doesn’t take anything with women seriously.

X laughs. “Just wait Blake. You’re next.”

“Whatever,” I grumble as the doors slide open, letting me off the hook and I push past them into the foyer.

The penthouse door swings open and Ms. Smith from housekeeping steps through, a much smaller cart of cleaning supplies than the other housekeepers use in tow.

“Hello, Mr. Cerelli.” She ignores Travis and me completely, while she fills him in on her tasks for the day. I can feel her eyes on me as I step into the living room and begin sweeping the room for surveillance devices. She leaves moments later, and Xavier calls out for Ana, but there is no response. He takes out his phone, texting then smiling at the quick response.

“With Faye and Ellie downstairs?” Travis asks, his voice soft, giving away his feelings for his girl. My attention perks up, anxious to hear the answer since I haven’t seen Ellie, other than from the security camera, since she left me in the parking garage.

“I don’t know what they are going to do when you move out of the building.” Xavier says.

“We are just going to have to wrap this shit up quick so that they can hang out wherever they want.” Travis states, “I miss my dog, so I want to have a place with a yard as soon as I can find one.”

“Two,” I join the conversation as I pass them on my way into the dining room.

“Two what?” Xavier inquires.

“Two places with yards. If we’re staying, I’m going to need a place too,” and I know exactly where I’m going to get one.

Xavier laughs although we are here sweeping his home for bugs, “I’m sure Ana and I will be joining the rest of you in a house with a yard once the twins are born.”

I can’t hold back my laughter at the idea of Xavier Cerelli living in the suburbs with two kids and a dog.

“I’m going to check your office,” I call out as I make my way down the hall. I’m crouched down, checking the telephone wall jack when my small device emits a beep and a red light flashes. Popping the cover off, exposing the wires, I’m not surprised to find a small listening device installed, the kind that taps into phone calls. I quickly call out to Xavier, wanting to show him before I disable it, and continue looking. There’s another one, just another small ineffective recording device stuck to the bottom of Xavier’s desk chair.

Anger radiates off Xavier, even though he doesn’t say a word as I work my way through the rest of the apartment until only the master suite remains. When Xavier nods, a muscle ticking in his jaw, giving me permission to enter I do. Quickly searching the room, I find another device under the bedside table. I pull it free, showing it to X and Travis.

With a muffled curse X punches the wall, his fist smashing through the sheetrock. I place a quick call and it isn’t long before Geno is at the door with my laptop and a box of our own observation equipment, including a nanny cam built into a teddy bear for the bedroom and a small camera that I install in the light fixture in the office.
