Page 130 of Arousing Family

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He just grinned, reached for his cards.

I watched as she turned back to the game also.

/> They both lost that hand, the dealer slid out a new round of cards.

I wandered off. My mind was whirling.

I wanted desperately to be with Mrs. Robeson again.

The next morning I was on an airplane, headed back to the coast to gather up my few possessions, rent a van and move.

Now at my new apartment outside town, life settled in, as normal as normal can be for a single male living in a crazy city like Reno.


Weekends I drive down to the casino, plus I visit others. I tell myself I go there to play, maybe meet someone but that's not quite true.

Looking, always looking. I never saw Mrs. Robeson again, as far as I know she is still teaching at that high school 700 long miles away.

That was evil of me, making her come to my room and undress in exchange for the pictures. Why I did that I don't know, it was all on impulse. It also was not very nice of me but I don't feel guilty.

What did happen was amazing.

The only problem is that Mrs. Robeson is my fantasy, and she probably always will be. I am still single, no other woman quite fills the bill.

Not yet, anyway.

I am not sure what I want in a woman. One that will flash in public perhaps? Oddly that idea does not turn me on yet the idea of a woman doing that for me does.

One that will go with other men? No way in hell would I like that, but Mrs. Robeson?

Married? To me, married women are off limits, yet somehow with Mrs. Robeson it was...right?

I did not fuck her, she simply fucked me. That was the most incredible thing that ever happened to me.

I have even been with a few others now, not that many.

Not one of them even came close.

Perhaps there are none like her? It has now been nearly a decade, and she is still in my head every single day.

She has to be well into her forties by now.

Maybe one day I will go home, drop in for a quick visit to my old high school.

Probably not. No point in interfering with her life, all that happened was just something that did.

My life will never be the same.


Looking around the casino, I spotted a nicely dressed woman, she was perhaps 10 or 12 years older than me.

I sat down on the machine next to her, slid in a twenty.

"Doing any good?" I asked her.

She looked over at me, smiled. I saw the flash of a diamond on her finger, then realized it was on her right hand. The top of her breasts were visible at the slightly open throat of her blouse.
