Page 186 of Arousing Family

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> Some baby red potatoes. Size doesn't matter, just make sure the potatoes are good.

> Fresh ears of corn. Do not be a coward in this, get the corn that's still in silk and husks.

> A bunch of lemons. A BUNCH.

> A couple onions. Or more than a couple. Maybe a few.

> Your favorite sausage. It has to be something that can be boiled.

> 2-3 bags of crawfish boil. Louisiana makes a good crawfish and shrimp boil in either powdered form or as bagged spices. Either of these will work, but you'll need several packages. Liquid crab boil works as well if that's all you can get hold of.

When you get home, put the crawfish in a very large ice chest. Don't have one? Go back to the store and get one, or borrow your neighbors. If he's wanting to eat your crawfish, he can share his ice chest for the purging. Now is the time to clear out any dead crawfish from your handy mesh bags. Fill the ice chest with the crawfish and then try your best to drown them. Add a little bit of salt to the water and let the crawfish purge. I'm not talking ocean salty here, but there needs to be some salt in the water. After a few hours, check on the mudbugs and change the water if it's really nasty. Chunk any dead ones at this time, as well. Do this every few hours until the water is clear. I usually purge crawfish for 24 hours before a big party.

After you have purged them for a day, it's time to get ready for the boil. Get your biggest, baddest boiling pot out of storage and put it on an outdoor burner. Turkey fryers are large enough for this. Fill it about half full with water. You don't have to get fancy with this, use the hose and make it easy on yourself. Dump one bag of the boil seasoning into the water and stir it around for a bit with a stick or big wooden spoon or kayak paddle. Set this so that it starts to boil and get to work on the veggies.

By now, you should have had some kids shucking the corn. If not, do this first and get as much of the silk off as you can. Do not use one of those sissy silk brushes, just use your hands - they're cheaper. If you got some big taters, cut them in half. Otherwise, leave them whole. Cut the ears of corn and the lemons in half. Take the onions and cut the ends off and then cut them in half. Discard the papery skins and the first couple layers and then cut these in half again. Cut the sausage into manageable pieces, too. Add all of this vegetation to the pot of boiling spicy water. If you have a basket that goes into the pot, use it. Those things make life easier. When the potatoes are fork tender and the corn is cooked, pull the mess out and put it in an aluminum roasting pan for serving. Leave the lemons and onions in the pot.

Now, this is the fun part. Take a large scoop, or the shovel from the kids beach toy pile, or anything big enough to get a large number of crawfish from the ice chest to the pot and start moving those puppies to the water. You may want to add another half bag of the seasoning before doing this. Get the crawfish in the pot and get the lid on it quick, fast, and in a hurry. Weight the lid, too, because they will try to escape. You don't want them to escape because they will attack your toes and scare small children. Leave them in there for 3 minutes and then remove them to wherever is convenient. Repeat this until all of the crawfish are completely dead. Do NOT try to cook any crawfish that was already dead before you tried to kill them.

To eat a crawfish, you hold the tail where it meets the main body, pinch, and then twist the tail away from the body. The real hardcore folks like to suck the juices from the head. Go ahead if that's what you like. Otherwise, discard the head and get back to the tail. Pull the first couple sections of shell off the broken end and then put the meat between your lips. While pinching the end of the tail, pull that meat out of there. Repeat for as long as needed to get a full stomach.

If you cannot get crawfish, or just don't prefer them, you can substitute unpeeled shrimp instead. It takes significantly less shrimp to feed each person - anywhere from ? to 1 pound per person. Keep everything else the same.

You will also need one whole roll of paper towels for every two people. I recommend the cheaper brown paper towels. Feel free to message me on the forum, or send me feedback with the replying email field filled out if you would like more recipes using crawfish tail meat. Remember, it is generally better to get more crawfish than you need than to not get enough. Peel the remaining crawfish and bag the tail meat for later use. Discard the shells and the boiling water as you would any other trash - in a neighboring yard and trash can. *wink*

The End.

Queen Victoria - Long May She Reign

Victoria Simmons could practically feel her stepson's eyes staring burning holes through her as she seductively strolled towards the pool. Why shouldn't he look? At 30, she was still young, hot and her body was still smoking! It didn't hurt that she was wearing her highest pair of heels and a blue metal bikini that was so tight it was almost cutting off her circulation.

That didn't matter, what mattered most was displaying her body. A true exhibitionist, she was proud of her body, not many women her age looked this good. She was still a solid 36C-23-24 on top of a 5'9" frame, towering over 6' in her heels. She rarely let her weight get over 130 pounds and she always made sure she looked her best. Victoria didn't start her day until she got out of bed, had a shower, put her makeup on and styled her hair. Her husband complained that it took an hour for her to drag her ass downstairs, but she reminded Russell that he had wanted a young trophy wife and that was the price he was going to have to pay. The 55-year old banker would grumble, but grudgingly concede her point and go about his business.

While she loved her husband, more and more her attraction had been growing towards her handsome stepson. Jeremy had started turning into a real hunk this past year, especially now that athletics were proving to be his ticket to the future. Not interested in the world of financ

e like his father, nor a scholar like his sister Lynn, Jeremy excelled at all athletics. He played football, basketball, swam and ran track. His body was buff and at 6'2" tall with his father's dark hair and his intense eyes, he made Victoria so horny that she determined she was going to have to do something about it.

The tall blonde made no pretentions towards morality. She had wanted Russell the night they met in the nightclub and she set about getting him. After several drinks when his guard was down, she dropped a number of hints that she could be had. She teased him by saying she would be back tomorrow, should he be up for a little fun. Then she walked her miniskirted self away, with enough sway in her buttocks to entice him. She knew that Russell wasn't happy in his marriage to his 42-year old wife. Victoria knew men and she knew them well -- he could be had, he could be played.

She had his number, the very next night he was back in the club and hoping she would be there. At first, she played it coy and avoided him, let him come to her, let him want it. Victoria was in control 100% of the time, she knew her best asset was her body and she knew that she could use it to get what she wanted. Not that she was stupid by any means, in fact, she held two degrees. It was a simple matter, she was sexy, she enjoyed sex, she enjoyed a comfortable life, why not combine them all so that everyone could get what he or she wanted?

3 months later Russell ended his marriage to Kim and 9 months after that, they were married. His kids were wary at first, but they came around. Lynn was the first to accept Victoria; she knew all too well that her mother and father weren't happy together. She was happy to see her daddy not acting so sullen and mopey all the time. "He doesn't go out to that club and come home drunk anymore," She told her stepmom. "Jeremy and I were getting worried about him."

Victoria kept her new husband too busy to spend time drinking. She was an insatiable sexpot and she demanded sex as often as Russell could provide it. Sadly, over the past 18 months, his sex drive had waned a little. It might be good enough for other women but it was not good enough for Victoria. She was a smart, pragmatic woman and knew that if she complained too much, she might end up like Kim and be ex-wife # 2. She was also canny enough not to go out and find a lover, not yet anyway. She had to play it close to home and play it safe. If she was going to fuck around, it had to be with someone Russell would never expect and someone that could keep their mouth shut.

Fate dropped a solution in her lap and she began enjoying life again. Now here was Jeremy, a strapping young buck with a body that was rock-solid and the libido of a young man. Victoria had tried to catch him naked in the shower, wondering if he had inherited the big cock possessed by his father. Today was the day she intended to get an answer to that question.

Her recent forays into new adventures had made Victoria a bit bolder, somewhat more daring. She intended to plumb the depths of her sexuality today and see just how far she could push the envelope. If Jeremy could be seduced, by the end of the day, he would be.

Victoria stretched out on the chaise lounge, this afternoon was not for swimming, it was for sexing! She got out some tanning oil and coated her body with it. She knew that Jeremy was watching her every move and she wondered just how daring the young man would be. In her mind's eye, she could already picture his strong handsome body fucking hers, his hard cock moving in and out of her aching, needy cunt. She hoped he wasn't a virgin because she wanted a good fucking, but if that happened to be the case, he would be worth teaching. All of her lovers had to learn her ways sooner or later, because Victoria demanded only the very best in sex.

Jeremy walked out on to the deck, closing the sliding glass door behind him. He approached her and smiled, his gaze didn't avert from her body. "Were you planning on going in for a swim?" He asked.

"No, I'm just going to get a bit of sun and then go inside," Victoria smiled. She lowered her sunglasses down the brim of her nose. "Don't let me stop you; I'm sure that the water is lovely."

"Nah, that's okay," Jeremy told her. "I did my morning routine earlier and I just kinda felt like goofing around. Want some company?"

"Sure hon, that'd be nice," Victoria smiled at him. She noticed that he didn't stop staring at her breasts, which were practically spilling out of her suit. Victoria decided to take the bull by the horns. For her, the less waiting around, the better.

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