Page 218 of Arousing Family

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They had invited me to come out and join them this weekend evening and see if the chemistry would work. It was too interesting to pass up.

We entered a large room with a cathedral ceiling, stone fireplace and overstuffed leather furniture. The music was coming from speakers hidden in the walls and a fire was burning brightly, providing most of the light in the room. Bob guided me towards a built-in bar.

"Would you like something?"

"Yes, please," I said. "What is the house specialty?"

"It's after ten, so brandy would be called for." He reached for two glasses and a decanter. "Brandy feels uncivilized without a cigar; would you like one?"

"Perfect," I replied. He motioned towards a humidor and I selected two Montecristo #4's, thinking to ask him later where he was able to get them. They were soft to the touch, barely a crackle when I rolled them by my ear and smelled like heaven. We lit them and retired to easy chairs near the fire.

"Very nice," I said and meant it. Even if this was the end of the evening I was content, very comfortable and enjoying the gentle complementary burns of the brandy and cigar.

"The simple things are often the best..." he mused, watching the fire. He then turned to me. "Some things are not so simple. Laura and I have a beautiful relationship, with love and respect deeply shared between us. We will never do anything to compromise that."

"I understand."

"We have always had a separate relationship within our own home. From the very beginning we understood that we wanted a very specific relationship here, one not of equals but of a master and his slave." His brows furrowed. "Our friends would never understand. Outside we are very much equals, husband and wife. Inside, she is my unquestioning slave, sexually."

"This is exactly what you have been describing between you."

"It is more unusual, and a little delicate," he said. "I do not want to add a man to take my place, nor to become another master to her, nor to dominate us both while he is here. I want a man to be pleased by her, and possibly by me, simply as another man to enjoy o

ur company." He paused. "Can we do that?"

"Yes," I assured him. "This is why you two were so interesting to me. I would like to add to your pleasure without changing the power dynamic between the two of you."

He smiled, his eyes reflecting the firelight. "Yes. Exactly." He stood up. "Please enjoy your brandy. I will fetch Laura." He stopped. "She will be blindfolded initially. This should increase her anxiety and her physical sensations equally."

I smiled and nodded. He was intuitively understanding regarding her sensations; this was a very good sign of things to come.

He left towards a flight of stairs, leaving me feeling the warming glow of the brandy inside and the heat of the fireplace on my skin. The music played a sensual French song I recognized from a trip years before, the girl singing about her lover with an underlying beat that was moving my body to its will.

I heard them come down the stairs. He was leading her by the hand, step by step. She was a brunette, tall, slim, athletic, gorgeous, wearing a sleek black evening gown... and very much blindfolded. He gently guided her until she was standing before me; he sat down in the other chair.

"Here we are my dear," he began. "Tell our guest how you are feeling."

She was trembling slightly. Her hands moved without knowing where to go. "I'm... anxious. Nervous. And excited."

"Good," he said. He looked over at me. "Our guest is as handsome as his photographs. Very fit, very attractive. We have come to an understanding regarding this evening. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she said.

"Excellent. Kneel."

She swallowed hard, then kneeled before me. Her perfume was wonderful.

"Would you like to touch her?" he asked.

She inhaled sharply as I moved in the chair. I could only imagine what was going through her mind, blind, heart beating fast, knowing she was being offered to a man she had never seen. Moving close to her I let me eyes roam over her; clear skin, full lips shining a bright red, her chest moving quickly in anticipation. I dipped my finger into the brandy and lifted a drop up to her lips, just barely touching them and letting the drop move to her mouth. She started at the touch and quickly licked her lips, tasting the brandy.

At that moment I wanted to take her, have her, push hard inside of her and move until she felt me come into her deepest place.

Ever so softly my fingers traced her cheekbone, then across her ear and slowly down to her neck. Her skin instantly turned to goosebumps across her shoulders. Leaning in closely I let my breath glide against her neck and up to her ear, letting my lips and teeth graze her earlobe. I ran my fingers along her collar and explored her necklace.

She let out a low muffled moan.

"She is very responsive," I said.

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