Page 295 of Arousing Family

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"Shit. No. Sybil is on the pill."

"Beau, I'd like nothing better than to fuck you, but I'm not on birth control. I don't think my limp-dicked husband-to-be could impregnate me, but just in case he's always used a condom, and I've been fitted for an IUD. But it doesn't get inserted until tomorrow."

"A day before your wedding?"

"No my wedding is in five days, this was just the right night for my party."

"Oh damn, I have the worst case of blue balls I've ever had. And you are so fucking hot. I want to fuck you more than anyone I've ever met, or even dreamt about."

"Maybe a blow job will do the trick, Beau."

With that she rolled me onto my back, straddled me with her pussy over my legs, and proceeded to suck and stroke me. While it felt really great, I was sincere in what I told her. I wanted to fuck her blind. So sexually charged I wasn't clearly thinking of the consequences, I thought maybe I could accomplish that if I stimulated her more. So I grabbed her ass and started moving her pussy over my face, which she was more than willing to assist.

Once I had her pussy over me, I started teasing the shit out of it. I would insert my tongue or a finger part way in, then pull it out and just lick her for a while, before another insertion. It had the desired effect. After a short period of time she stopped sucking, was only perfunctorily stroking, and then suddenly turned around and literally skewered herself on my flagpole. I grabbed her tightly and held her chest against mine as I proceeded to pump with all I had as she pulsated her tight pussy on my reciprocating cock.

My pumping stopped only after we had essentially simultaneous banshee screams, I had deposited a humungous wad of cum in her gash, and she had gone completely limp, her only sounds of life being intermittent contented sighs.

I fucked Ida Mae again, doggy style, about an hour later, and in the missionary position in the middle of the night, even though cum was still leaking out of her from the previous two fucks. She ended up the night with six orgasms, and I ended up with the three best fucks of my life, before or since.

When I awoke the next morning, Ida Mae was gone. There was a note on top of my pile of clothes: "I guess we're even. I soaked your hanky and you soaked my panties. With sex like that, I almost wish the Shindig Hall ceremony had been real! Have a great life, Ida Mae."

I went through with the nuptials, but of course it didn't last. I was divorced in less than three years. I married again -- my second wife Karen was much better suited to me than Sybil-- and moved to the Washington, D. C. area.

About fifteen years after my first marriage, Karen and I were at a party hosted by one of the guys she worked with. As my wife and I were talking to the host, the hostess came up to us with two other people and said "Beau and Karen, I'd like you to meet one of my co-workers Jerry, and his wife Ida Mae."

I dropped my glass -- fortunately it was empty -- as I was met by a deer-in-the-headlights look by Ida Mae. The same Ida Mae! Except for a few lines in her face she was as gorgeous as she was when I fucked her fifteen years ago.

I remember little of the rest of the evening because all I could think about was that night in The Big Easy when I had the best sex of my life. About all I did get was that Jerry was her second husband -- she wasn't married the first time even as long as I was.

As my wife and I were getting ready to leave I went up to Ida Mae and asked for her phone number "to catch up since we really didn't have a chance to tonight."

"I'd like that," she said as she handed me her business card. Then just before she turned and walked away into the kitchen she whispered "I'd like you to meet your teenage daughter too."

The End.

Graduation Present

Sam White moved around the party, accepting congratulations, chatting about his future.

It was mostly family here for his High School graduation party, since a lot of friends were having their own, and about the only person his age was his cousin, Becca, who would graduate herself next year. She was off chatting w

ith her mother, Sam's Aunt Julie, and as he approached, he heard Becca say, "But, Mom, none of my friends like him! He's like such a dork!"

Upon seeing Sam come near, Becca gasped and turned red. "Oh, hi, Sam! There you are! Great party! Tricia and Lisa said they were sorry but they couldn't make it."

Sam knew they had been talking about him, judging by their expressions, but had heard it all before: He always struck out with girls. He didn't know why, but they just didn't like him that way, only as friends.

Rather than make a scene, Sam smiled and changed the subject, but he thought, "I'm not ugly, I'm in decent shape, I just can't talk to girls!"

When Becca stepped away, Aunt Julie grabbed his arm and planted a wet kiss on his cheek. "I'm proud of you, Honey. You're all grown up, and you handled that like a man! Someday, Sammy, you'll be knocking those girls dead!"

Two days later, his mom said, "Honey, do me a favor. Aunt Julie needs these bowls back for another party. Can you bring them over? Take my car, and then you can use it for the rest of the day, okay?"

Sam didn't have his own wheels so having access to the car was great! Besides, maybe Becca would have friends over, and seeing him driving might make him look cool.

He rang the door and heard Aunt Julie holler, "Come on in, Sam! It's open!" He followed the music into the kitchen. There was Aunt Julie in cut-off jeans and a tank top, prepping food, slicing and sorting. "Oh, great! Just in time! Thanks, Honey! How are you? Bored with summer yet?"

He always felt comfortable with his Mom's older sister, and spoke freely. "Not yet! Is Becca around? I got Mom's car for the day."
