Page 343 of Arousing Family

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I came quite soon after that adding my semen to that of Peter inside Brenda. I was surprised that they hadn't asked me to wear a condom and I suppose that I was taking a chance on them as they were taking a chance on me. A bit rash. I hope that there will be no ill effects.

A lovely time was had by all and I can call them for a repeat some time when I am out on my own again.

The End.

The Black Candle

It's late. You begin to stir, as if waking from a deep slumber. Your mind whirls as you struggle to wake. Something is not right. You feel it almost immediately but your thoughts are only a swirling haze as you lay there, incapable of moving, your brain fighting a losing battle to focus as you come to.

What happened? Where are you? Your eyes barely open long enough to see a woman over you and your heart skips a beat. A nervous, anxious feeling fills you immediately as you attempt to regain strength to catch another glimpse of the figure above you. You feel the need to escape flash through your body but your efforts to even flinch pass without a single movement of your body. Why won't your eyes open? Why can't you move? You feel like you have been sleeping for days, yet the need to return to your unconscious state begins to take over your mind.

Then you hear her. The soft, calming purr of a voice so familiar that you cannot help but relax to her touch. Her touch? You hadn't been aware of it previously, but her voice rouses your mind enough that you are suddenly more aware of the feminine figure laying against your body. "Relax, my love, it's me."

It is as if her words breathe life back into you as you slowly begin to regain some form of consciousness. You feel the soft curves of her luscious body against your skin and attempt to mumble your automatic response of "Yes Mistress" but as your lips attempt move, no noise escapes. Not even a whimper.

What in the hell has gone on? You feel paralyzed beneath her. How long have you been asleep? Was there an accident? Your mind races as you try to find answers to the questions that seem to be multiplying with each passing second.

You feel something soft and wet touch your chest, followed by stinging sensation that feels like a blinding heat ripping at your skin. It lasts only a moment and it's gone as soon as it started, leaving behind a dull ache that seems to fade quickly. What has she done to me? Your mind panics as you come to,

fighting with your own mind to regain complete consciousness of what is happening to you.

Only seconds pass as you feel the soft, damp touch again, followed by seering pain, only to have it fade quickly, leaving on a tingling sensation in its wake. You curse yourself as you inhale deeply, gathering the strength to open your eyes once more, determined to take in your surroundings this time.

She moves off of your lifeless body and you can feel her weight shift to the bed beside you. A bed. You hadn't even known it was a bed beneath you before. You were slowly beginning to know what was around you. Each second made you understand more. Your head was on a pillow, the surface was soft and comfortable, the sheets silky beneath you. Another dizzying whirlwind of questions filled your mind. Where am I? This isn't my bed... What's happened? Did she drug me? Is it really her?

You take several deep breaths, filling your lungs with as much of the cool air as possible before you once again take up the struggle with your eye lids, willing them to open for another glimpse. As you wrestle with your own body, begging it to obey you, you feel her manicured nails against your cheek first, her fingertips gently brushing the soft skin. Suddenly your struggle to open your eyes seems easier and the lids lift, your gaze settling instantly on the form above you.

She's smiling. That soft, welcoming smile that you know. It's her. But what's happened? She strokes the back of her fingers down your cheek and jaw now, dropping lower very slowly, a single fingertip tracing the outline of the leather collar on your neck. You knew the gesture. It was gentle, caring. Just as you feel yourself begin to smile in response, she raises.

Your mouth opens in a faint attempt to speak. No sound escapes before she presses a finger to your lips, silencing you. "Relax." She speaks only one word before tilting her head to consider you. You feel her looking over your body, your own eyes not able to leave her. The smile never leaves her lips as she looks back to your eyes, winking before turning and leaving you there without another word.

Unable to keep your eyes open any longer as she disappears from your view, you feel your body relax and you begin to think. You feel dizzy with all the questions hitting you at once again. It's like a dream that you just cannot wake up from and you don't know what has brought you to this point.

After a few moments of being able to do nothing but breathe, you are able to open your eyes once more and you look around you. You were right. This wasn't your bed. You didn't recognize the room around you. It was dark, dimly lit by a single flickering black candle beside the bed.

Black candle? Why did that feel familiar? Why did you suddenly feel a fear filling your mind? What was the significance of it?

The entire room seemed blurry around you, slowly coming in to focus. Light moonlight helped illuminate the room, coming in from an open window. A cool breeze came along with it. You hadn't felt it before but it was calming now. You could feel it. You could feel something other than the pain. One thought filled your mind. You were still alive.

Alive? Was there doubt of that? Why did that seem so significant in your mind?

Your strength came back slowly as you looked around, the room feeling familiar, though you were almost positive you'd never seen it before. The walls were high and made of stone, the windows set close to the heightened ceiling. You racked your brain once more, struggling to piece things together, when your eyes fell on the high-set windows once more. You were underground.

Underground? But that didn't make sense. How had you gotten there? And what WAS this place?

A small panic filled you as you looked around the room once more, struggling to find another clue. Another answer. You pull yourself to a sitting position clumsily, nearly knocking over the glass of water at your bedside. Your strength returning slowly as your body fumbles to move to an upright position to get a better view of the room around you.

Wait. Water? Your eyes snap back to the glass next to you. The need to analyze your surroundings halted for a brief moment as you became aware that you were thirsty. With a shaking hand you reach out for the glass and begin to drink, finishing the entire glass as it you had been dying of thirst.

As you replace the glass on the table beside the vast bed you see your own wrist in the candlelight. Dark circles surround your wrists. Bruises, you think. Bruises? Where did they come from? You hold your wrist closer to the black candle to inspect the markings closer and then it hits you. Like a wave of fear and panic, it hits you. You start to sweat as you begin to feel the memories swarming your mind, completely overtaking you. Unable to stay upright any longer, your body falls limply to the side once more, your strength focused solely on remembering what brought you here...and it begins to come back, piece by piece. You drifted off, as if dreaming, slowly reliving what had happened.


It had been five days. Five days in chastity. Your Mistress had demanded it. You remember cursing her for the initial proposal, however she had been adamant about it. There was no arguing the point as she had locked the device around your cock after last making love to you. She had been so gentle that night, something that was not unlike her, but still different.

You had questioned the device. What had you done to deserve the denial of pleasure like this? Had you upset her? You were still unsure. She had dismissed your questions as quickly as you had asked them. The only response you had given you was "Relax, my pet. You will thank me later. It is for your own good."

She had left you that way. Five days since you had seen her, leaving you with no reasoning for the metal device locked around your manhood, leaving you unable to pleasure yourself.
