Page 416 of Arousing Family

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"What the fuck are you doing here? Who the fuck are you?"

The voice was distinctly male and angry. Angry was good, it was stupid. She gave a surprised sounding gasp and jumped, turning to face him, barely remembering to cover herself and look helpless.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" the man asked. He was naked and middle-aged. His hair was on the thin side and he wore the expression of a man who was used to receiving answers when he asked questions; being listened to when he gave a command.

She decided to take a different tack with this. Rather than being the 'oh so helpless naked female', she would just be herself. Belligerent, confident, annoyed at the interruption.

"Um. Taking a shower in the girls locker room? What are you doing here, GUY?"

"I'm Coach Hall, this is my gym, I can go where I want," he said with a smirk. "And you're in my shower. You're in my shower instead of Stacy, did she send you in her place? If she thinks she can wriggle out of her "extra credit" you can tell her she's mistaken."

Erin's eyes had drifted down towards Coach Hall's bobbing cock. Decent looking, like the rest of him. A decent thing put to an ill purpose. A disgrace to penises everywhere.

He looked her over too.

"Though you're not bad, I suppose you can count towards her final grade." He smirked again. The "extra credit" shtick made her want to gag.

"If you lay a hand on me," she warned, uncovering her breasts with one hand to raise an admonishing finger, "you'll be sorry."

He laughed this time, a big throaty laugh that wouldn't have sounded out of place around a dinner table full of jolly relatives. It made her feel dirty despite the cleansing jets of hot water massaging her back.

The laugh ended abruptly as he lunged for her. Powerful hands gripped her wrists and pushed her against the shower wall. Wow he was dumb.

What about my legs you idiot? What stops me from crushing your balls with my knees?

This was almost insulting. She felt perfectly comfortable handling a rapist, but the fact that he had not covered this obvious point of attack against his own person was annoying. If she didn't need his cock and balls intact, it would have been gratifying to kick them up into his intestines. But as things stood now...

Erin stood on tip-toe, braced herself against the wall, and head-butted him on the chin.


He gave a "Mwuh?" noise, let go of her hands, and fell backwards onto the shower floor looking dazed.

Erin's head was clear. The impact was jarring, but the pain had faded within a second. She stood over him and pressed one foot against his ball sack in a threatening manner.

"Move, and I crush them." She said, her voice flat. "This can be fun, or it can be painful. Not both."

The Coach's face was distorted in pain, and his hands held his bruised face, eyes firmly locked on her in shocked surprise.

"I'm sorry! Listen, lets just forget this ever happened, OK? This was just a big understanding."

He moved his hands away from his face and spread his palms wide in the universal gesture of someone trying to mollify a crazed psychopath.

She applied a small amount of pressure with her foot. His face contorted in pain and his hands leapt downward to aid his balls. Unfortunately, the sudden contraction of facial muscles was painful, and it confused the hands sufficiently that they hovered for a moment in a kind of protective limbo. They eventually settled on the face, muffling a few reedy cries of testicular pain.

She relented with the foot, stepping off entirely and resting her hands on her hips. Then she began to sway back and forth, sliding those hands over her breasts. Her gaze became lustful, and the coach's cock responded quickly to the girl's change of heart.

Erin's body was covered with water and the room was wreathed in steam. The coach had an excellent view of everything she had to offer. She took a few fingers and spread her lips wide for him to see how pink she was, and then slid a digit inside herself.

His hands had left his face and one was tentatively stroking his engorged cock.

She smiled.

"See? It can be fun when we both play nice. Nice being the key word here Coach."

Erin withdrew the digit and promptly stuck it in her mouth, sucking off her juices quickly before the shower could wash them away. Mmmm, tasty!

She got down on her knees and crawled towards him, pausing when her mouth was poised over his cock. She'd decided beforehand that she wouldn't kiss him on the lips, his lunge attempted a few minutes previous had only reinforced that decision. His cock was the only part she really needed.

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