Page 90 of Arousing Family

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A few evenings later we had a practise session prior to a match the following day in Croydon some hour or so away by car. The same thing happened. I ask myself now if I could have done anything different, but have no answer. That session I had felt his eyes on me looking down my low front, watching my tits jiggle as I ran. I swear the fact that I was not wearing a big, ugly sports bra, but instead a lacy, pretty ordinary wear one was unconscious, just as was the lowness of the front of my top and the shortness of the pale blue skirt I had chosen to wear.

"Looks as though we're the last here," he said as we walked into the club house.

It was often the case that a few of the members stayed late and the club had a system whereby the last away had to telephone the secretary who explained how to set the alarm.

"Yes so it does," I replied feeling a little uncomfortable, but also I have to admit slightly tingly because his arm was still around my shoulders.

"Are you going to have a shower?" He asked as we approached the small clubhouse.

"No I'll have one when I get home."

I didn't feel that comfortable stripping off in the ladies with Craig as the only other person in the building. On top of that my long, wavy, chestnut coloured hair took ages to dry if I washed it and would go all frizzy if I showered with a plastic shower cap on. I didn't want him to see me like that so I just ran my hands under a tap and kept my hair in a pony-tail.

"Your husband still in New York?"

"Yes he is, another couple of weeks yet," I told him as we walked up the steps his arm still draped round my shoulders.

"Do you miss him?"

"In some ways yes, but I am used to it."

As we walked through the narrow doorway he had to remove his arm. I felt relieved, but then he placed it in the small of my back. It's sometimes so difficult to know with men, when they are making a pass and when they are just being friendly and polite. I just had no idea about this twenty year old Adonis' intentions.

"Which ways are they?" He asked, starting to provide me with clues on his intentions.

"Never you mind young man," I replied smiling, turning and looking at him.

"But Amanda I do mind, after all I don't want my partner upset and off her game do I?"

"How do you mean?"

"You know."

"No I don't."

"Well you know what I mean."

"Let's leave it shall we?" I said feeling a little flushed and awkward as we walked through the clubhouse.

"Would you like a drink Amanda?"

"How can we?"

"I've got a key to the bar."

"Where did you get that from?"

"They lent us the key once and we got some extra ones cut."

"That's very naughty," I said, realising I was sounding very mumsy.

"So? What's wrong with a little naughtiness if no one gets hurt?" He asked.

I ignored the second part of his phrase; I could see where that might lead.

"No I'm fine."

"Amanda I know full well you are fine," he said as we walked down the corridor towards the back door where we had
