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“I asked you a question,” William barked moving even closer.

The man was jealous. He could hear the irritation in the bastard’s voice, feel it in the tension radiating off William in waves. That made Chris smile. But Bianca’s jolt of surprise killed his joy as quickly as it rose. She had also noticed the other man’s irritation.

A sea of feelings he hadn’t anticipated rose up in his chest. Would she toss him over for William if the man showed interest? Why did he care?

Chris hardly knew her and he’d made it clear he was leaving.

“I’ve known him forever,” Bianca responded. “Old family friend who’s come to stay for an indefinite visit.” She gave his hand a light squeeze. “He’s an excellent cricket player. Are you sure you want him on the opposing team?”

What was she up to? Bianca, hand still in his, slid around him and then began pulling him toward the other two players. He’d not let her go now for anything and so he allowed her to pull him along like a cart. Honestly, he couldn’t wait to see what she was about to do.

“In fact, he’s considering buying land here, starting a business. Who knows,” her voice rose higher as more people looked over at them. “He might be your boss someday.”

A chuckle rose up in his throat as both men took a small step back. Beyond them, a few men had begun warming up, tossing the ball back and forth.

“That’s ridiculous, I’ll take over my father’s company and—”

“Who will ship your goods?” Bianca gave Chris’s hand another squeeze, her chin set at a jaunty angle.

He nearly barked out a laugh. She was strong-arming William. The man’s face visibly paled. “I’m sure your father will.”

Bianca tightened her fingers in his. “My father won’t run the shipping company forever. One of our husbands will take it over.” Then she raised a finger. “If I were you, I’d hope it’s not mine.”

At that moment, one of the players missed the ball and it flew across the field, dropping to the ground and rolling to a stop a few feet to Bianca’s left. She finally let go of Chris’s hand and reached down to pick it up. Without warning, as she stood, she gave it a good solid toss. The ball rocketed through the air, beaning off Fred’s head.

He raised his hands to his face at the same time he dropped to his knees.

The laugh that had been threatening to release from his throat dislodged with a roar while Juliet erupted in a fit of giggles behind him.

Bianca’s hands flew to her mouth as she covered her gasp.

“Bumbling Bianca,” Fred roared.

“Don’t call her that.”

Chris looked up in surprise. He’d thought the words, but it had been William who’d said them out loud. Without thinking, he came to Bianca’s side again, his arm wrapping possessively around her waist.

“Make no mistake,” Juliet called behind him. “That was no accident. Bianca has a wicked arm.”

Fred surged to his feet, a goose egg already forming on his forehead. He surged toward Bianca, his fists clenched at his sides, but Chris stepped in front of her, raising his hands. His cravat and jacket were off and his sleeves were already rolled up. A good tussle sounded exactly right to him.

* * *

Bianca stared at his back as Chris widened his stance, ready to defend her. Her breath caught and her hand grazed the small of his back. She wanted to step into him, press against him. She wished to kiss him again, in the worst way. No one had ever done anything like this for her before.

She didn’t even care that he wouldn’t stay in Seabridge Gate. He’d done something for her no one else had been able to do, he’d given her hope and confidence and worth.

He shivered under her touch and then stepped toward Fred. “Give me your best shot,” Chris growled out, his fists tightening.

Bianca stood on tiptoe to see over his shoulder. Fred lowered his head, preparing to charge when suddenly he stopped mid-step.

But it wasn’t Chris who stopped him, it was William. “That’s enough.” He grabbed his friend, spinning him about and sending him sailing toward the pitch.

Bianca blinked. Why was William suddenly being nice to her? Without thinking, she put a hand on Chris’s shoulder to stand taller and see what happened. Fred was on his feet and spun around, knocking William down into the grass. The two men tussled about, hitting and rolling as a circle formed around them.

“Oh my,” Bianca gasped. “What’s happening?”

“What’s happening?” Juliet crowed. “They’re fighting over you. This is so exciting.” She giggled again. “It would be even better if they were fighting over me, but this is still a close second.”
