Page 37 of No Risk Refused

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“No. I came out here to tell you about my plan. Just because I’m in D.C. and you’re here doesn’t mean that we can’t spend time together.” He waved a hand. “I was thinking long weekends. Once we get the security beefed up here. We still don’t know who’s been visiting the library.” He was starting to babble. He never babbled. “I know you like to look at the big picture. And you can feel free to fill in the details.”

When she simply stared at him, he paced to the far end of the arch, then walked back. He never paced, either. He was good at improvising, and he was blowing this. Panic bubbled up. “Look, I don’t know why or how this happened, but you’re right for me. And I want to be the one who gives you your fantasy. The only one. Because you are my fantasy. You’re everything. Clear enough?”

She studied him for a moment as everything inside of her melted. He was standing there, scowling at her, and the tension inside of her completely eased. Cam preferred to go with the flow, act on impulse. It was one of the things she liked about him. Loved about him. But he’d tried to make a plan for her. And as odd as it seemed, he was right for her, too. He was just simply right for her. And she wanted him forever. That’s what she’d written on the yellow paper she’d just buried in the stones.

Rising, she moved toward him. “About this plan—is it a five-year one or longer?”

He studied her for a moment and she could see the tension flow out of him, too. “Longer.”

She put her hands on his face and drew it down to hers. “How much longer?”

He was smiling as he lowered his mouth to hers. “I think it’s going to take me quite a while to fulfill your fantasies.”

“But you did say I could fill in the details. So when you finish, I’m going to start on your fantasies.”

He laughed as he drew her in close and held her tight. “That will take a lot of time,” he promised. “I have a lot of them. And I’ll be making up new ones as we go along.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Adair said.

They were laughing as they sank to their knees beneath the stone arch that Angus One had built for his true love.

“Tell me again that you love me,” she said when his lips were nearly brushing hers.

“I love you, Adair.”

“Here’s another detail. I love you, too.”

And when Cam covered her mouth with his, a whisper of wind sighed across the stones.
