Page 12 of To Catch a Thief

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Sage grunted. Talking and walking wasn’t easy.

He punched the elevator button and leaned on the wall. “What’s the latest on the third man from the raid?”

“He was spotted in Five Points so the Atlanta Bureau is keeping watch.”

They stepped into the elevator.

“Margaret must hate that,” Sage muttered.

Margaret and Roger, the Atlanta agent-in-charge, didn’t play well together. Their divorce had been bitter. And Margaret had stolen Kaden from her ex when he’d worked a case in Savannah and fallen in love with Courtney. “I gather you were the liaison to broker that deal.”

Kaden snorted. “Yeah. Those two need to learn to separate business from their animosity.”

It took all of Sage’s concentration to walk from the elevator to his condo. When he arrived at his door, he pointed. “This is me.”

Kaden didn’t take the hint and leave. Sage dug for his key and opened the door. Somehow the hallway from his door to the kitchen had grown. He let his shoulder brush the wall to keep from stumbling. He couldn’t show weakness in front of his mentor. Kaden might report that he wasn’t able to work. “I’d offer you a beer, but I’m not sure if I have any.”

“Still on the pain meds?” Kaden asked.

Sage shrugged. Let him guess the answer. If he was unbalanced now, what would happen mixing meds and alcohol? “Check the fridge. Mom stocked it yesterday.”

Kaden headed to the fridge and didn’t witness Sage collapsing onto a kitchen chair.

“Found one,” Kaden said.

“Opener’s in that drawer.” Sage pointed. He had a water bottle from earlier. It wouldn’t look weird if he didn’t move.

Kaden took the seat across from him. He tipped his beer bottle. “Here’s to your successful recovery.”

Sage held up his water bottle. “I can drink to that.”

They talked Bureau business. Cases. Sage kept up, but all he wanted to do was nap.

Kaden finished his beer. His steel-blue eyes stared into Sage’s. “Why don’t you stay at my place? You’d have people keeping track of your recovery.”

Sage hadn’t fooled him. Would he report to Margaret that he wasn’t able to work? “I’m good here.”

“At least come to dinner tonight.”

He could barely walk. How would he get to Kaden’s apartment? “My mother put together a bunch of meals. I think I’ll stay in.”

“Okay. Thanks for the beer.” Kaden found the recycling and dropped the bottle in. “I’ll keep asking. I have to keep my word to your mother.”

Sage grinned. At least he hoped it was a grin and not a grimace. “When I run out of food, I’ll take you up on your offer.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” A goofy smile covered Kaden’s face. “I’d like you to meet my fiancée.”

Sage started to nod but the pain cranked up. “I can’t wait.”

He dug up enough energy to walk to the door.

After Kaden left, he threw the locks and grabbed the wall to stay upright. He’d gotten rid of his mother, but he couldn’t escape Kaden’s watchful eye.


“MAMÁ, MRS. HALVORSEN is bringing over sweet tea and cookies.” Their neighbor promised to visit with her mother while Carolina drove to Savannah.

“Is this the interview with the witch?” her mother asked.

Carolina inhaled. Her mother was losing her filters. “It’s with Abby Fitzgerald.”

“She’s probably as uppity as her mother.” Mamá’s lips pursed as tight as if she’d eaten a lemon.

“Then why did you hound me to apply for the job?” Frustration filled Carolina’s voice.

“Because I want you to find out what those Fitzgeralds are up to.” Her mother’s blue eyes narrowed. “I want you to see where we should have been living if your father hadn’t died so young.”

“I didn’t have to apply for a job to do that.”

Her mother wrapped an arm around Carolina’s waist. “But if you get into the house, you could…pick up something for me.”


“A…souvenir.” Her mother’s voice rose. “Something small.”

“I can’t.” A shiver ran down Carolina’s spine. Her mother’s cancer was making her irrational.

“For your mother?” Tears dripped from Mamá’s eyes.

“I’m not a thief.” Had her mother stopped distinguishing right from wrong? “Why would you ask me to do this?”

“Beau promised we’d live there.” Mamá paced to the window and back. “How could it be stealing if we should have lived in the house?”
