Page 65 of To Catch a Thief

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Dolley stared at Carolina, her eyes wide. “Mamma?”

“I’ll go,” Carolina cried. “I’ll go.”

She sagged against his arm, and he helped her back away.

“Carolina, stop.” Abby turned to her mother. “What’s going on?”

Mamie sank into the chair, her face in her hands. “I… I didn’t know.”

“You didn’t know what?” Dolley demanded.

“About her mother and your father.”

“What?” All three sisters stared at Carolina.

She shook. Like she was freezing. “We’re—related.”

“Related?” Dolley asked. “Like cousins?”

“No.” Carolina stared at Mamie.

“Half sisters. Or so her mother claimed.” Mamie’s voice shook as she waved a hand between Carolina and her daughters. “Your father…”

“Mamma,” Abby whispered.

Sage froze. Half sisters?

Carolina was… Her father had been…

And she was working for her half sister? Without telling her?

Who did something like that?


CAROLINA STARED AT the Fitzgeralds. Abby covered her mouth, gaping at Carolina like she was a monster. Bess’s mouth hung open and Dolley scowled. There were no defenders here. They hated her.

She stumbled out of Sage’s arms and, like a coward, ran.

Sage ran to her side and kept her from tripping down the stairs. With Ella’s help, they half carried her out of the restaurant and up to the apartment.

She shouldn’t be here. From the sofa, Carolina stared around the room. Nothing looked familiar. “I can’t stay. I… I’ll go back to my mother’s house.”

“Don’t think about that right now.” Sage headed to the kitchen, bringing her back a glass of water and setting it on the coffee table. But he backed away from her and leaned against the wall.

Her chest ached.

Tonight had been perfect. Mamá had been happy and more alive than she’d been since Carolina had first arrived. Mamá and Sage had been able to hear her sing. Abby had been thrilled with the result. Life had been good.

“You’re related to the Fitzgeralds?” Ella asked, her eyes big and round.

Carolina nodded. Her secret was out.

“You have the same father, but they never knew?” Sage crossed his arms.

“Yes.” She wiped at the tears streaming down her face.

“I wish you’d told me.” Ella paced between the hallway and the kitchen. “Why would you work for them?”

“It was the best job I could find and—” she sniffed back tears “—Mamá has bills she can’t pay.”

Ella shook her head. “But you’re working for sisters who didn’t know you existed.”

Sage raised his eyebrows.

“I didn’t know what else to do.” Carolina couldn’t tell them about her mother wanting things from Fitzgerald House. “Sometimes I forget we’re related.”

“But you knew?” Sage asked. “Knew you were related to the Fitzgeralds?”

She cringed at the accusation lacing his voice. “All my life.”

“Why didn’t you tell them?” Questions formed in his green eyes.

“I… I needed the job. I needed the money.” She was a dirty secret. “Mamá made me promise to never tell anyone.”

“The Fitzgeralds took you into their family.” Sage finally sat next to her and pulled her close. “They invited you to their celebration.”

She’d belonged for a few shining minutes. “If their witch of mother hadn’t arrived, we’d still be celebrating our opening night.”

“Carolina.” Sympathy filled Sage’s voice. “What do you think it would be like to meet your husband’s…” His voice trailed off.

“Bastard?” She jerked away from him. “Is that the word you’re looking for?”

Ella gasped.

“No!” Sage said.

Carolina curled into a ball, her arms clutching her knees.

“I can’t wrap my head around this,” Ella mumbled. “They’ve been so nice.”

“Beau made promises to my mother. Promises he never kept.” She shook her head. “Then he died. And never mentioned us. Never provided for us.”

“I wondered why you never talked about your father.” Ella exhaled, not looking at her. “Let me grab some aspirin and make you that sleepy-time tea you like.”

Ella didn’t look at her. Sage sat on the edge of the sofa like he wanted to run. Was he taking the Fitzgeralds’ side?

Her mother had been right. The truth hurt—everyone. Especially her. Everything was ruined.
