Page 85 of To Catch a Thief

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“No problem.” She looked exhausted. Had those dark half circles been under her eyes when she’d left?

He should go. Instead he asked, “Do you have someone lined up to watch your mother tomorrow?”

“No.” Her voice was small.

“I’ll do it.” The words popped out of his mouth.

“But I thought…” Her blue eyes swam with tears.

He couldn’t let her wear herself to the bone. He loved her. Strike that. He’d loved her. Past tense. Not present or future. There wasn’t a future for them. “What time?”

“Same time I guess.” She swallowed. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

“I don’t need thanks.” He hesitated then asked, “Did you talk to Abby?”

“Yes.” She stumbled to the sofa and collapsed. “I probably just lost my singing and bartending job.”

He refused to feel sorry for her. She’d brought this on herself.

“How did your doctor’s appointment go?” She set her feet on the sofa and wrapped her arms around her knees.

He shifted. Should he sit or leave? “I’m cleared to go back to work part-time.”

“That’s wonderful.” Her smile drew him away from the door and closer to her. “I know you’ve hated being—idle.”

“Not sure what I can do part-time, but it’s something.” Especially since he didn’t have Carolina and her problems to keep him occupied. “How did it go tonight?”

“The place was packed. Abby said it was her best night.”

“Does she at least acknowledge that you’re part of the reason there are so many people at the restaurant?” he asked, sitting down.

“It won’t matter. She doesn’t want to hurt her mother.” She shrugged and her soft hair shifted and slipped around the skinny straps of her black dress. A different black dress than she’d worn last Friday night. It would be so easy to slip the straps off and touch her.

Or would have been if she hadn’t ruined what they’d started building together.

“So, have you talked to your boss?” she asked. “Are they happy you’re coming back?”

“I… I guess I’ll talk to Kaden tomorrow.” Strange. His whole focus had been on getting back to work. Now he couldn’t dredge up any enthusiasm for returning to the career he’d hoped would have made his father proud.

“I’m glad things are working out…” She paused a moment. “For you.”

“Thanks.” He should go. She’d destroyed their relationship. But he hated leaving her. She looked…broken.

She sat up. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“No.” He pushed out of the chair. Time to leave. “I’ll be here, same time tomorrow.”

She stood and he hurried out the door. Because his head might know he couldn’t kiss her good-night, but his body still hadn’t gotten the memo. That needed to change.

* * *

ON TUESDAY, CAROLINA swiped her card on the storage room card reader. There was a bachelorette party upstairs and they’d gone through half a case of prosecco already.

She grabbed another case and heard the hum of voices through the walls. Abby’s office.

“Carolina…hurt…Mamma.” Was that Abby’s voice?

The case started to slip. She tightened her grip. They were talking about her.

“Bastard…” That sounded like Dolley.

Tears filled her eyes. She took in deep breaths, refusing to let them fall. She wanted to run. Hide. But she couldn’t. She needed tonight’s tips.

She forced a smile on her face and headed back to the bar with the prosecco.

After sliding bottles into the cooler, she drew another beer for the man sitting on Sage’s barstool. God, she missed him. Missed their conversations. Missed his hugs. But he hadn’t talked to her since Saturday night.

She forced cheer into her voice as she served the beer. “Enjoy.”

Naomi brushed by. “Where’s your boyfriend?”

“Back at work.” And out of her life. She’d wanted to find out how he’d done on Monday and today. Had the headaches returned? How was his vision? Did he need a massage to get him through the night?

That wasn’t happening.

Abby, Bess and Dolley walked out of the kitchen. The family meeting must be over. Bess caught sight of her and chewed her lip. Dolley glared.

Abby stepped behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of brandy. “Naomi, will you charge this to the kitchen, please?”

“Will do, boss.” Naomi’s gaze bounced between the four women.

Abby stopped next to Carolina, her face a solemn mask. “Can you see me when your shift is over?”
