Page 50 of The Big Break

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Nothing made sense in that moment and yet everything did: she wanted Kai Brady. Had wanted him maybe since she’d first met him a year ago. Despite everything she said about not wanting to get involved with another man, despite everything that told her Kai was the last man on earth she ought to consider seriously, her body had different ideas.

Maybe this was the way I always wanted to repay him that debt. White-hot need surged through her body as she thought about what it would be like to give herself, all of herself, to this man.

Then, abruptly, like a bucket of cold water, she heard her mother’s voice in her head: Girls who let themselves get carried away have only themselves to blame.

Suddenly, she broke the kiss, reason bursting its way through the moment.

I can’t do this. I shouldn’t do this. Jun pulled away, out of breath, and as she did, she saw that Kai’s eyes had dilated as he, too, panted beneath her, and for an instant, Jun thought he could see right through her, straight to her core. He knows I want him.

Embarrassed, she scurried to her feet, nearly losing her balance once more as her shaky knees almost buckled. Flustered, she frantically pushed her hair from her face.

Kai sat up on one elbow, a lazy smile crossing his face as he gazed up at her. “You okay?” he asked.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she sputtered, one hand holding her waist, as if she worried the heat still spilling through her would somehow explode and she’d jump on him again. Slowly and deliberately, Kai got to his feet.

“I didn’t do anything. You kissed me.” The corner of Kai’s full mouth lifted, his dark eyes sparkling as he stretched his muscled shoulders.

“I didn’t!” Did she? Jun didn’t know. Could she have kissed Kai first? All she knew was that her lips were still tingling from the contact. She put her hand over her mouth.

“Really? I thought you were just testing me.”

Jun glanced up, confused. “Testing?”

“Your rule number three—no sex.” Kai’s smile grew bigger and Jun felt embarrassment roll up her neck and flame her ears.

“W-we should get back to your house,” she muttered, not able to look him in the eye. “Time for you to do some strength training.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Kai said, nodding deferentially. “Just...try not to kiss me again,” he added. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep rule number three if you do.”


A WEEK LATER, Kai hummed to himself as he rounded the last mile of a three-mile jog down the beach, sweat dripping down his temples in the warm Hawaiian sun. He ran shirtless, the cool ocean breeze caressing his bare skin. He’d found the chink in Jun’s armor, and the discovery put him in a stellar mood. He’d thought, up until now, the woman was nearly asexual, having not had sex in who knew how long and holding him to a standard of absolute abstinence, and yet she was the one who had kissed him. He knew he hadn’t imagined it. He’d been frozen, his head flat against the dewy grass. She’d definitely kissed him.

They’d worked together closely for days, and he noticed in no uncertain terms that she was having a hard time not repeating her performance at the botanical gardens. He could tell how stiffly she tried to avoid incidental contact. Yesterday when she’d handed him a celery smoothie and their fingers touched, she’d nearly jumped a mile. The thought brought a sly grin to his face. He liked keeping Jun Lee off balance. She had everything—from what he ate to when he slept—under such strict control that he liked pressing her buttons and watching her react. She was so tightly wound he wondered what would happen if he got her into his bed. If she really let go, the sex would be amazing. All that pent-up coiled energy released at once? He could only imagine it. And he did. Often.

If she knew he imagined her naked beneath him—and on top of him and in front of him and beside him—she didn’t let on. He jogged down the sandy beach, barefoot, his feet making imprints in the wet sand as he went. He passed two pretty beachgoers in bikinis and oversize sunglasses who craned their necks to get a better look at him as he ran by, but he barely gave them a second look. His mind was too focused on Jun. She’d sent him out for this run so he could “work out bad energy,” she’d said, but it was her energy he was most interested in.
