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“I didn’t know your old one.”

“I’m sorry, I should have given it to you when I moved in with Rafael.” She’d written it on a card, laid it on the desk and took a place on the other end of the sofa. “You wanted Libby gone, but you don’t seem to be doing well without her. Have you written to offer a thousand apologies?”

He sat slumped forward and looked down at his hands. “I sent the photos from the ad agency and the posters she’d wanted.”

“You included thoughtful notes?”

He shook his head. “I signed the posters, but I’ve nothing to say.”

“I’m miserable without you would have made a good start.”

“She doesn’t need to know,” he scoffed.

“Of course she does. I don’t understand where your mind is. I’m actually beginning to feel sorry for Ana Santillan. The photos she sold were an excuse. You would have dropped her soon anyway, wouldn’t you?”

“Give it up, Maggie. You’re not a licensed therapist.”

“A license isn’t required to see the obvious. You’re so good at caring for everyone else, but you won’t let a woman get close to you.”

“Please,” he responded with an exasperated sigh.

“You’re too bright to be such a dolt. Why did you send Libby home?”

He pulled in a deep breath. “I meant what I said. She wants a husband and babies, and I don’t need a wife and more kids to look after. She had to go home in a few weeks anyway, and it would have hurt us even worse then.”

Maggie’s voice softened. “Oh, Santos, you’ve taken care of our father’s families, but that’s not like having your own. You could have told her about your misgivings, but to say, ‘Your plane’s leaving at five,’ was cruel. If spending a night with you is half as good as it is with Rafael, it’s no wonder she wasn’t only confused but very badly hurt.”

When he remained silent, she leaned over to kiss his cheek. “I love you, Santos.”

“I love you too,” he murmured softly.

“There, that wasn’t difficult, was it?” She stood, ready to go. “We want you to come for dinner as soon as we have everything unpacked. By the way, Patricia and Fox are still exchanging e-mails, but she’s continuing at the university.”

“That’s good.” He looked up at her. “Victoria hid the rifle used to shoot at me in her son’s mattress, so that’s more evidence against her. Miguel Angel is our half brother, by the way. The boy’s staying with his grandfather and the Ramirez family, but Libby doesn’t need to be involved any further in our family’s latest mess.”

“Life is always messy,” Maggie exclaimed. “You don’t have to be alone. I’ll call you if you don’t call me.”

He looked at her askance. “That’ll make Rafael happy.”

“He already knows you’re an ass, and he still wants you to come for dinner.”

“I can’t wait.”

Maggie left without any hope she’d gotten through to him, and she wouldn’t give Libby what might be the futile hope he’d soon come to his senses. Miguel never had.

Libby moved back into her sorority house in September, but she couldn’t find even a speck of the abundant school spirit she’d once had. Patricia belonged to another house down the row, and they often waved in passing. Libby’s sorority sisters were loud and fun and full of hilarious stories of their summer vacations. She listened without once giving a hint of her own travels or sorrows. Her roommate was also intent upon doing well academically, and they both skipped weekend parties to stay home and study.

“You’re a completely different person this year,” Marcia said late one Saturday night.

Ready to take a break, Libby stood to stretch. “Maybe I’ve finally grown up.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“We’ll see.” She opened their small refrigerator and took out a soda. “You want one?”

“No, I’m off sugar.”

“Good for you.” Libby had to hike up her jeans. Nothing tasted good to her anymore, and she’d lost weight she hadn’t needed to lose. The house was quiet. All the others were out on dates or at parties spending their weekends in carefree fun as she used to do. The noisy crowds would have only annoyed her now. She just wanted to graduate and find a good job coaching, where she could give teenagers excellent advice for winning teams. When it came to love, however, she was a washout.
