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He pulled her close. “You’re more important to me than playing it safe. I want to do what will make you happy.”

She leaned back to look up at him and smiled at the bright sparkle in his eyes. “Santos, really, who’s been coaching you?”

He laughed. “Maggie. She thought I’d still have a chance with you if I told you the truth.”

“I don’t know, the truth skitters around the Aragon family like mosquitos in Minnesota summers.”

He sighed. “That’s true, but we can hope to do better. Still, there’s no reason to tell people things that will hurt them, so some secrets are justified.”

She caressed his cheek. “True. I’m so surprised to see you. Are you really serious?”

“I’ve an engagement ring in my pocket. Is that serious enough?” He pulled out the small blue box.

His sly smile made her draw back. She’d never expected to see him again, and here he was with a ring? He could have at least made a phone call to warn her he was coming. He was always so damn sure of himself. Rather than scream, she bit her lip. “Were you that confident you’d need one?” she asked with forced sweetness.

He gave her a gentle kiss. “I knew how much I wanted you and thought it couldn’t hurt.”

Remembering the warm nights they’d shared in Spain, she realized there was very little the man could do to harm his cause; nevertheless, she gave him an impatient push. “Fine, then come and propose in front of everyone. I want witnesses.”

“Shouldn’t I speak with your father first?”

She opened the door. “I don’t feel like bothering with that formality tonight, and you want to please me, remember?”

“Yes, but I’d hoped for somewhere more romantic. Perhaps a dark closet.”

She laughed and closed the door to kiss him again. “I’ve really missed you. I haven’t laughed even once since I came home.”

“Then we’ve more to catch up on than I thought.” He opened the door and followed her into the living room. When everyone looked their way, he took Libby’s hand to pull her close. “I’d get down on one knee, but I might not be able to get back up, and you’d tease me about it on every anniversary. I love you, Libby. Will you marry me?”

She smiled through the words. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

He opened the box to show off a sparkling diamond solitaire in a Tiffany setting. “Let’s see if this fits.”

She held out her hand, and he slid the beautiful ring on her finger. “Perfect.” He picked her up in an exuberant hug and set her down gently. “I don’t want to rush you. We can have as long an engagement as you’d like. Not years, please, but long enough for you to be sure.”

“Let me say something first,” her mother said. “Clearly I’m to blame for setting an unfortunate example for the family, but are you sure you want to marry a matador?”

Libby squeezed Santos’s hand. “It’s what Santos is, not merely what he does, and yes, I’m sure. What about a summer wedding next year?”

Her mother reached for her husband’s hand for comfort. “Please say you’ll have the wedding here rather than on the beach in Spain.”

Santos hugged Libby close. “I’ll be proud to marry your daughter anywhere she chooses, but we’ve done the beach wedding, and something here would be fine.”

“How long do you think it will take us to plan an engagement party, Mom? I want everyone to meet Santos.”

“We’ll have to wait until after the holidays, or there would be too many conflicts, so that will give us a little time. It would be a big party with all your sorority sisters and friends, but we should be able to pull it together.”

“Thank you.” Libby looked up at Santos with a delighted smile. “When do you and Fox have to go home?”

“Fox has to be back at school mid-January, and I’d want him at the party.”

Fox was standing with Patricia by the Christmas tree. “I’m honored, I suppose, but while we’re here, I need to see the university. I might want to come here next year.”

“What do you think?” Santos asked Libby.

Her father moved toward the kitchen. “Let’s open a bottle of champagne and celebrate. Tomorrow we can worry about who’s going to school where.”

Santos nodded. “Fine. I forgot to tell you the American school where Maggie is teaching will have an opening for a girls’ coach soon after the New Year. Would you like to apply?”
