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“You’re damn right I’ll be there, and I’m calling Montoya. He’ll post undercover men, and I’m afraid we’ll need them.”

“We’ll be out in the open, so Lucien can’t behave too badly.”

He responded with a particularly colorful oath he’d picked up along the docks.

Montoya was as exasperated as Alejandro, but he met them at the café. “What is it you’re trying to accomplish, Miss Santillan?”

“It’s a simple plan. I’ll play on his emotions, and he might admit more than he means to. If not, all we’ve wasted is an hour.”

“And man-hours from my budget,” the lieutenant muttered under his breath. “Find an outside table and be ready for him.”

Alejandro hadn’t spoken to her since they’d left her condo, and she didn’t expect him to wish her luck. He followed and took a table close to hers and hid behind an open newspaper. Her table could be viewed from all angles. Feeling safe, she ordered limeade and waited. Lucien walked up within minutes.

“What a charming place. Do you come here often?” he asked.

“Yes, I do. A waiter should come by soon.”

Lucien moved his chair close to hers and regarded her with a knowing smile. “We won’t be staying. You’ll love my home outside Paris, and I’ll make you far happier than Vasquez ever could. Young men have no idea how to really please a woman the way I do.”

His blue eyes shone with an admiring warmth, and his seductive accent made his promise seem sincere, but she wasn’t even tempted. Instead, she spoke up, hoping Alejandro would overhear. “I’m sorry if I gave you any such hope. You’ve been so kind, and I merely wished to say good-bye in person.”

“How thoughtful.” His voice took on a deep strident edge. “I’m a very successful man, and I’m always armed when I’m in Barcelona.” He opened his jacket to provide a glimpse of his handgun. “Don’t make me resort to force.”

She sat up and twisted her hair over her shoulder. “Are you threatening me while we’re surrounded by witnesses?” Two middle-aged women who had been passing the café stopped outside the ring of tables and pointed at her. She nodded and smiled, and, appearing flustered, they walked away.

Lucien whispered against her ear, “Nothing so crude as a threat. No one will see a thing. You’re leaving with me. Stand, and I’ll help you with your crutches.”

The marble-topped table had a wrought iron base. She grabbed the edge and shoved hard to force the table over. He scrambled to get out of the way, but the edge of the marble slab slammed hard across his foot, and he howled in pain.

Alejandro, already half out of his chair, grabbed Lucien’s arms and pulle

d him upright. He saw the gun before Lucien could reach for it and blocked the move. Montoya’s men swarmed them, and Alejandro pulled Ana into his arms. “I heard enough to know you were in trouble. Did he threaten to shoot you?”

Trembling, she leaned against him. “Not quite, but I didn’t expect things to go downhill so quickly. He meant to take me to Paris whether I wanted to go with him or not.”

Alejandro hugged her tight. “This is the absolute end of it, Ana. Don’t frighten me like this ever again. The car wreck wasn’t your fault, but this stunt was deliberate, and you could have been badly hurt, or worse.”

She saw more than one passerby raising a cell phone to take photos and knew they were in for another round of tabloid coverage. Certain Alejandro had only begun a lengthy tirade, she was grateful for an excuse to step out of his arms. “There are too many people watching for us to talk here.”

He looked over his shoulder and stepped back to take her hand. “Maybe they’ll believe we’re filming a movie.”

Ana had no such hope. Lamoreaux was quickly taken away, and Montoya joined them. “He has no permit for the handgun, and his foot appears to be broken—a terrible shame, of course. What prompted you to tip the table?”

A waiter had already set the table upright, and Ana retook her chair to describe her brief conversation with Lucien. “He tried to force me to go with him, and I objected. It has to be a crime to kidnap people off the street.”

“As well as indoors,” Montoya added. “When I tell René Charles Lamoreaux has been arrested, he may be more forthcoming. He may have been well paid for his silence, but if Lamoreaux isn’t free, he won’t get another euro from him.”

“I’m glad you were able to make an arrest. Thank you for being here.” She looked to Alejandro. “Let’s go home.”

He picked up her crutches. “Home?” he repeated. “Just where is that?”

She touched his sleeve. “Please—you know where I want to go.”

Alejandro nodded to Montoya as they walked away, and the lieutenant shook his head. Whether it was in envy or sympathy, Ana couldn’t tell.

“Send Fatima home early,” Alejandro urged as he parked in front of her condo.

She’d seldom seen him looking so determined and assumed he meant to have it out. “I’m not going to fight with you, but if it’s wild sex you want, come on in.” She opened her door, and he circled his SUV to grasp her waist and set her down gently. “I would never have gone to meet Lamoreaux alone,” she swore. “I was safe with you and Montoya’s men there. Please drop it.” She took her crutches and waited for him to open the condo’s main doors.
