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“That sounds so exciting, but I’d like to see the dessert menu before I choose,” she replied with forced innocence.

“Of course. They might have a crema catalana we wouldn’t want to miss.”

They did have one and their waiter described it as the best in all of Catalonia, but she blotted her mouth on her napkin and shook her head. “Let’s wait until the next time we’re here to try it.”

Alejandro requested their check, and the waiter bowed slightly but didn’t step away. “Pardon me, but several people have asked if you’re Ana Santillan, and I didn’t wish to disturb you.”

Lost in Alejandro’s company, she’d not worried about being recognized. Relieved to be herself, she smiled and nodded. “Yes, I am. Will you please wait until after we’ve gone to answer anyone who’s curious?”

“I will.”

Alejandro paid with cash and tipped the man well. He held Ana’s hand as they rode the elevator down to the parking level. “Do people usually recognize you when you go out?”

Uncertain what his real question might be, she hesitated to answer. If he was again criticizing himself for not recognizing her when they met, she didn’t want to make the matter worse. “Sometimes, like tonight, someone might think I look familiar and wonder who I am. If possible, I try to be gracious rather than standoffish.”

“That’s undoubtedly wise, but if there’s somewhere you’d rather not go, please say so.”

There was an edge to his voice, but she wouldn’t call him on it when the fact she might draw a stranger’s notice was still so new to him. It was easier to be quiet and think about frosting.

“Vanilla or chocolate?” Alejandro asked.

She leaned against the counter beside him. “Let’s begin with vanilla, but it will have to be a tiny bit or we’ll quickly get sick of the taste and each other.”

“That’s unlikely.” He opened the can, swiped a little on his finger and slid it across her lips. When he kissed her, she couldn’t stop laughing. “What’s so funny?”

She licked her lips to catch the last sweet taste. “This was my idea, I know, but maybe it wasn’t a very good one.”

“I say it was.” He washed his hands and unbuttoned his shirt. He reached for her arm, pushed up her sleeve, and put a little frosting on her inner elbow. He licked it off. “Is that better?”

“Hmm, yes. Take off your shirt, and I’ll try it on you.” He hung the white shirt on a cupboard knob and offered his arm. She reached for his hand, turned it and placed a drop of frosting on the veins showing on his inner wrist. She sucked it off and looked up. “Well?”

He let out an appreciative sigh. “I didn’t expect it to feel so good. Do it again.”

She obliged, but the frosting was so sweet, she used only a dot. He wrapped his hand around hers as she kissed his wrist, and she looked up at him. “Maybe it’s just the kisses, not the frosting that’s making it feel so good.”

The frosting forgotten, he pulled her close and kissed her. She tasted unusually sweet, but he still wanted more. “We’ll have to be careful where we put it. Let’s use a little more frosting just to make certain we don’t need it.”

She’d worn a short blue-green dress and turned for him to unzip it. They moved to the worktable. He held her hand while she stepped out of it and flung it toward the closest chair. She peeled off her black lace bra, dropped it on the table and put a dollop of frosting on a nipple. “Let’s start here.” He eased her into the chair and knelt between her legs to be at the right height. He sucked away the frosting, licked her other breast and tugged the rosy nipple gently between his teeth.

Leaning into him, she raked her fingers through his hair. They made magic together so easily, and she’d never have enough of him. “Hand me the frosting,” she whispered. He reached for the can on the table. She put a smidgen on his earlobe, sucked it off and licked the tender hollow behind it. “Your ears are as handsome as the rest of you.” She licked his other ear without bothering with frosting.

“Thank you.” He put frosting in her navel and tongued it away to make her laugh. “Maybe we should always go this slowly.” He pushed her knees farther apart and nuzzled his cheek against the smooth skin of her inner thigh.

“Take off my heels.”

He pulled them off and set them aside. “I’ve never understood how a man can have a foot fetish when there are so many more delectable parts of a woman’s body.”

Now barefoot, she rubbed her toes along his erection. “Why are you still dressed?”

He gave her a quick kiss, stood and unbuckled his belt. He kicked off his loafers, took a condom from the pocket and discarded his slacks. He wore a pair of leopard-print briefs. “You have such pretty lingerie, and I didn’t want you to grow bored with me.”

“Impossible—but the leopard print suits you.” She rose slowly and raked her fingernails lightly across his belly. He had great abs, and she caressed the hard muscles and outlining dips before sliding her hand lower to cup his familiar weight. “I appreciate the effort too.” She reached for the can of frosting and put a dab on the hollow of his shoulder. She had given him only a couple of licks when he caught her waist, sat down and pulled her astride his lap.

She dipped her finger into the frosting and, with a seductive smile, licked it off. “Are you already tired of this game?”

“No, but I’m calling a time-out.”

She eased his rock-hard cock from the slit in his briefs and rolled it between her hands. “Were you thinking of a quick break, or something longer?”
