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The music started again, and the crowd rushed forward to congratulate the couple, then they resumed dancing.

Stone and Holly were standing with Dino and Viv when the commissioner approached, swept them into Stone’s study, and closed the door behind them. “There’s more,” the commissioner said. “First of all, tomorrow Detective Sean Leary will be awarded the Police Combat Cross for his actions on that night.”

“He deserves it,” Dino said.

“Also,” the commissioner said, removing an envelope from his inside pocket and handing it to Viv, “the FBI has asked me to pass along something to you. The director regrets that he was unable to join us this evening.”

Viv took the envelope. “Thank you, Commissioner.” She peeked inside it and gasped. “What is this?”

“It’s the reward the FBI put up for taking Jasmine out of action.”

Viv turned to Dino. “We’re going to start looking for a bigger apartment tomorrow.”

“And one other thing,” the commissioner said. “Word has reached me that Dino passed the captain’s exam—and at the top of the list.”

Stone shook Dino’s hand and clapped him on the back.

“And there’s still more,” the commissioner said. “A few weeks ago, Robert Morgan told me of his intention to retire as chief of detectives, and I am promoting Dino to that office, effective the day after his return from his honeymoon.”

Dino’s face registered shock.

“Don’t worry, Dino, you’ll still be a cop,” the commissioner said. “I will appoint a deputy chief of detectives for administration, who will deal with the paper. I’m perfectly aware that I’m jumping you over the heads of a dozen captains who’ve had more time in rank, but that’s my prerogative.”

“In that case, Commissioner, just to annoy all those captains, I accept,” Dino said.

“I expect this news will encourage a few of them to retire, making possible a number of promotions. And there’s just one more thing,” the commissioner said, “then you can all go and get even drunker.”

Everybody laughed.

“Tomorrow, I’m going to announce my candidacy for mayor of the City of New York, and I want you to know, Dino, that should I be elected—and I expect to be—I will not forget you.”

All present applauded and shook the commissioner’s hand.

“And,” the commissioner finally said, “I want to congratulate Holly on her appointment as permanent chief of the New York station of the CIA.”

“I think,” Holly said, “that since this may be the last time I can get really drunk, we should take the chief’s advice and go do it!”

“Viv,” Dino said, “how much was the reward?”

Viv clasped the envelope to her bosom. “Don’t ask.”

Later, Stone and Holly lay in each other’s arms, finally relaxed and exhausted.

“At last, with Jasmine out of the picture, we can feel safe again,” Stone said.

Holly sighed. “For the moment,” she replied.
