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“But you see my problem, Barney. If Mosely has a felony conviction, he shouldn’t be working as a security guard, and he shouldn’t be carrying weapons. I’m going to have to have those licenses.”

Suddenly, Barney Noble looked like a cornered rat, and Holly was enjoying it.

“On my desk today, Barney,” she said, trying to sound regretful.

Barney seemed unable to speak.

“Or I’ll have to come get them,” she said.

“I’m sure this is just some kind of mix-up,” Barney said.

“I sure hope so, Barney.”

“I’m going to check into this right now, and if what you say is true, you’ll have the licenses. Can I have until noon tomorrow?”

“Sure, Barney, if you need the time.”

“Uh, if I turn in Mosely’s licenses, are there going to be any charges against him?”

“I can’t really say, Barney, until I’ve talked to the county attorney. But speaking for myself, I don’t see any reason to pursue it. As long as I get the licenses.”

Barney stood up.

“And as long as Mosely doesn’t carry a gun. I mean, you can put him to work maintaining the golf course, or something, but I wouldn’t want to find out he was still working security.”

“I’ll get back to you,” Barney replied.

“I’ll walk you out,” she said. “I was just going to lunch.”

Holly followed him through the squad room and out to the parking lot, where they shook hands and said good-bye. As Barney got into his car, she fired a parting shot. “Oh, Barney,” she said sweetly, “I’d like for Mosely to bring in the licenses himself.” She didn’t wait for a reaction; she smiled and waved as he drove away.

As Barney stopped for traffic on the street, she noticed something she hadn’t seen before. On the back of his Palmetto Gardens Range Rover was a small sticker that read WESTOVER MOTORS.

That was very interesting, she thought. She wondered how long it would be before she got a call from John Westover.



H olly didn’t have to wait long. When she got back from lunch, John Westover was sitting in her office. “Hey, John, how are you?” she asked.

Westover got up and shook her hand, but he didn’t look happy. “I’m good, Holl

y? You?”

“Just fine, thanks.” She sat down behind her desk. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Holly, there’s something we have to talk about,” Westover replied.


“Let me start at the beginning.”

“All right.”

“Some years ago when the Palmetto Gardens people were looking for land here…”

“Oh, this is about Palmetto Gardens?”
