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“That’s state stuff. What have we got that could justify my going into that place with a SWAT team?”

Everybody thought for a minute.

“What about communications?” Holly asked.

“What do you mean, communications?”

“There must be licenses required for some of that stuff they’ve got out there.”

“Good point,” Harry said. “Bill, you check with the Federal Communications Commission and see if there’s anything we can hang a criminal charge on.”

“Right,” Bill replied.

“What else? Anybody?”

Ham spoke up. “If they’ve got anything in the way of heavy weapons in those camouflaged spots, wouldn’t that be a federal crime?”

“Yes, it would, if it’s heavy enough,” Harry said.

Holly spoke up. “Harry, I think these people are too slick to overtly violate some federal statute. What they’re doing is covert, and unless the NSA can do some code breaking, the only way you’re going to find out what they’re doing is to go in there. So, what I think you should be looking for is not grounds for a SWAT bust, but probable cause for a federal search warrant.”

“I’m afraid you’re right,” Harry said, “and I haven’t heard anything from the NSA today.”

Bill spoke up. “I’ve got something I’d like you to hear from the bug in Barney Noble’s car,” he said. “There was a lot of ordinary chitchat that is of no interest, but then this happened.” He set a tape machine on the table and turned it on. There was the sound of the car running, then slowing, then the squeak of brakes and the sound of a car door opening and closing. “Rear door,” Bill said. “Somebody got into the backseat, and you can barely hear him talk.”

“What’s happening?” Barney Noble’s voice said.

There was a mumbled reply.

“She doing anything unusual?”

“Nah,” the voice said. “Routine stuff.”

There was the sound of paper crackling, and Noble spoke again. “Here’s this week’s money. Call me if anything comes up.”

“Okay,” the voice said, then the rear door opened and closed again.

“He must be talking about you, Holly,” Harry said. “It’s got to be one of your people. Did you recognize the voice?”

“No. Play it again, Bill.”

Holly listened carefully to the tape. “Hurd? You recognize anybody?”

Wallace shook his head. “It’s too faint. It could be anybody. Is there any way to enhance it, Bill?”

“Yeah, but I’ll have to send it to Miami,” Bill replied.

“Do that,” Harry said. “And next time, bug the backseat, too.”

“Yeah,” Bill said.

“Rita, how thoroughly were you searched?” Harry asked.

“Thoroughly enough to get groped, but not all that thoroughly. I had already changed out of my clothes into a jumpsuit, and that didn’t have any pockets.”

“Did you keep the jumpsuit?”

“Yeah, they told me to.”
