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“Oh, I know it would be unprofessional of us to see each other until this case is resolved, but I thought perhaps…” His words trailed off.

“I have to agree with your ethical perceptions,” Holly said. “Tell you what, why don’t you call me when the case is over, and we’ll see?”

“That’s good enough for me,” Oxenhandler said. “And it might be sooner than you think. Good night, Holly.”

“Good night,” she said, and hung up. Daisy came over, sat down and rested her head on Holly’s knee, gazing up at her adoringly. “You’re a good girl, Daisy,” Holly said, “and the only girlfriend I have to talk to. Are you a good listener? Well, I’ve just had a call from a gentlemen of short acquaintance who’d like me to go out with him, just as soon as he’s finished defending the people who shot my boss. Does that seem weird to you? Does to me. I’m not sure just how I feel about that. Police officers don’t much like defendants’ lawyers, but…I think I might be able to get past that.”

Daisy said nothing, but Holly thought she had somehow given her blessing. Holly went back to reading about Daisy.



H olly entered the courtroom and took a seat in the front row, near the county attorney’s table. She had only rarely been to civilian court proceedings, and she wanted to be here for this one as much for the experience as for the outcome, of which she was certain. In spite of what she felt was strong evidence, she had a queasy feeling that she could not explain, and she hoped that by witnessing this process, she could dispel it.

The clerk of the court stood and said, “This court is called to order, Judge Sandra Wheeler presiding. All rise.” The judge, an attractive woman of around Holly’s age, took the bench and called the court to order. She nodded to Marty Skene, and he stood.

“Your Honor, we’re here for a preliminary hearing in the matter of the State of Florida v. Samuel Sweeney and Tanya Cooper, on a charge of assault with intent to kill.”

“Call your first witness,” the judge said.

Skene called Bob Hurst to the stand. Hurst identified himself by name and rank. Skene questioned him on his arrival at the scene of the shooting of Chet Marley and on the investigative procedures he used. Hurst testified to the chief’s missing weapon and to the impressions of tires taken at the scene.

Next, Skene called the police officer who had arrested Sweeney and Cooper, and he testified to the finding of the missing weapon in their possession. “What was the caliber and make of the weapon?” Skene asked.

“It was a nine-millimeter Beretta automatic pistol.”

“Did you investigate the ownership of this pistol?”

“Yes, I did.”

“And what did you learn?”

“The serial number of the pistol showed that the weapon was the property of the City of Orchid Beach, and that it had been issued to Chester Marley.”

“Did you then arrest Sweeney and Cooper and impound their vehicle?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Your witness,” Skene said to Oxenhandler.

The lawyer approached the witness stand. “Officer, when you came upon Mr. Sweeney and Ms. Cooper, what were they doing?”

“They were sitting in front of a campfire, and Sweeney was cleaning the Beretta pistol.”

“Did Sweeney make any effort to conceal the pistol?”


“Were the headlights of your car on as you approached their campsite?”


“So they would have had ample warning that someone was coming?”

“I guess so.”

“And yet Sweeney made no effort to hide the gun.”
