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“Good dog,” Holly said. “Ham is good, and you’re a good dog. Don’t eat Ham.”

“Thanks a lot,” Ham said. “I thought that was his next move.”

“It’s a she,” Holly said. “What on earth are you doing here? I’ve been trying to call you today, and a recorded message said your phone had been disconnected. Didn’t you pay your bill?”

“I moved,” Ham said.

“Where did you move?”

“Here. My truck’s parked down by the gate. There didn’t seem to be enough room for it by the trailer.”

“Let’s all sit down,” Holly said. “Anybody want a beer?”

“You talked me into it,” Ham said.

“Nothing for me,” Jackson said.

Holly got Ham a beer and sat down. The three of them and Daisy made the trailer seem crowded. “Okay, Ham, let’s have it.”

“I’m a civilian,” Ham said. “I am officially a retired military person.”

“Congratulations,” Holly said. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

“Well, it is. I’m glad to see you. What are your plans?”

“Orchid Beach sounds like a nice place,” he said. “Chet said there was some golf to be had.”

“Well, I’m delighted to hear it,” Holly said. “You just picked up and drove down here? Why so sudden?”

“Look, Chet Marley and Hank Doherty are the two best friends I’ve ever had. It pisses me off when somebody shoots one and murders the other one. I thought I’d give you a hand finding out who did it—and killing the bastards.”

Holly turned to Jackson. “Everybody’s a detective—first you and now him.” She nodded at Ham.

“Unless you’ve already killed them,” Ham said.

“Whoa, there, Sarge,” Holly said. “I’m not going to kill anybody, and neither are you.”

“Well, is anybody going to do anything about this?”

“I’m working on it,” she said. “It’s not an easy one.”

“Tell me everything,” Ham said. “I’m all ears. Start with how Chet is.”

“Still in a coma, and nobody knows if he’s ever going to come out of it.”



“All right, start at the beginning,” Ham said.

“Now?” Holly looked at her watch. “It’s one o’clock in the morning, and you’ve been driving all day. Tomorrow will be soon enough.”

“Aw, c’mon, Holly, tell me about it.”

“Here’s how we’re going to do this, Ham: you’re sleeping here, and I’m going to Jackson’s house.”
