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??Now make a ninety-degree turn toward the runway, and descend to five hundred feet.” He reduced power further. When she had reached five hundred feet, he said, “Now turn for the runway, and you’re on final approach. Just point at the runway numbers.” He kept his hand on the throttle.

Holly watched the numbers come closer.

“Use the rudder pedals to help you stay on the center line. Now, start pulling back on the yoke. That’s called flaring. Further, further.” He helped her a little. “Get the nose up. Don’t want the nosewheel to touch first.”

Holly pulled back on the yoke, steering desperately with her feet to keep on the center line. The main wheels touched down with a little squeak.

“Now ease the yoke forward.”

She did so, and the nosewheel touched down.

“Excellent landing. Now steer with your feet. Use your toes for brakes, and make the first right turn and follow the yellow line to the flying club.”

Holly taxied to the club and parked the airplane where Jackson indicated. “Did I really land the thing all by myself?”

“All by yourself. Fun, huh?”

“A lot of fun. I want to learn how to do this.”

“Doris will be so pleased. Either she or her boyfriend, Fred, will be delighted to sign you up as a student.”

They got out of the airplane, tied it down and went inside.

Doris looked up. “I had a phone call about you,” she said.

“Who was it?”

“Wouldn’t give a name. I hung up on him.”

“Good girl. Don’t worry, I don’t think they’ll be reporting me to the FAA.”

The phone in Holly’s bag rang, and she dug it out. “Chief Barker.”

“It’s Jimmy, Chief. We’ve stopped three white Ford pickups, none of them with a single male occupant.”

“Did you take names and license numbers?”

“Sure did.”

“I’ll check them tomorrow,” she said. “I think you can cancel the alert now.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She hung up. “Nothing,” she said.

“We better get back to the house,” Jackson said. “It’s unlocked.”

“You know,” Holly said as they got into the car, “there may be something to what you said about flying as a seduction tool.”

“Yeah,” Jackson replied, “I think I can feel it working.”

“You, too? Let’s get home. Daisy can stay with Ham tonight.”



T he middle of the following week, Holly had her job interview with the city council. She was ushered into the meeting room and reintroduced to all the councilmen, which was unnecessary, since she had long since learned their names.
