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“The job is yours, and on your terms. There’s a twenty percent salary hike, and you’ll have the same insurance and retirement benefits that Chet Marley had. In essence, we’ll present his contract to you for signing, with only the salary changed.”

“Thank you, Charlie,” Holly breathed, trying to quiet her heart. “I’m grateful to all of you. It’s a great vote of confidence.”

“It was not a unanimous vote of confidence, I’m afraid. I think you probably guessed that Irma Taggert was going to vote against you, and after considerable hemming and hawing, John Westover voted for Hurd, too, though he said he was very impressed with you. John and I thought it would be best that he tell Hurd of our decision.”

“I understand,” Holly said.

“One more thing,” Peterson said. “While your contract gives you the authority to hire and fire, we voted unanimously that the offer of the contract be made conditional on your accepting Hurd Wallace as deputy chief, on terms identical to your present contract, and with immediate effect.”

“Is John telling Hurd that right now?”


“I would have preferred to tell him myself, but I accept the condition,” Holly said.

“I’m glad. We all feel that Hurd is a good man, even if he is a little, well, hard to read at times.”

“We’ve gotten along well so far, and I’m sure we’ll continue to,” Holly said.

Peterson stood up. “Congratulations. We’ll have a contract for you to sign before the day is out.” They shook hands, and Peterson left.

Holly saw John Westover leave with him, and she got up and went to Hurd Wallace’s office and sat down. It was important that she start on the right foot with him.

Wallace looked at her with his usual lack of expression.

Holly wondered if he had been born missing some facial muscles. “I expect John Westover has told you of the council’s decisions,” she said.

“Yes, he has,” Wallace said tonelessly.

“I want you to know that I’m happy to have you as deputy chief; you’ve worked hard, and you deserve the job.”

“But apparently not the chief’s job,” Wallace said.

“That was their decision. Can you live with that?”

“Yes, I can.”

Holly stood up, took off her deputy chief’s badge, removed the smaller badge from her ID wallet and placed them on his desk. She held out her hand. “I look forward to working with you, Hurd.”

Wallace stood up and shook her hand. “Thank you,” he said. “I’m sure we’ll continue to work well together.”

Holly went to Jane Grey’s office. “Jane, will you type up a notice for the squad room bulletin board that the council has appointed me chief of police and Hurd Wallace deputy chief?”

Jane broke into a broad smile, came around her desk and hugged Holly. “Congratulations,” she said. “They did the right thing. Shall I send out a press release?”

“I think that should probably come from John Westover.”

“You’re right. I’ll remind his secretary when I see her in the cafeteria at lunchtime.”

“No, don’t press it, please.”

“As you wish.”

Holly went back to her office, opened her desk drawer, took out Chet Marley’s chief’s badge and pinned it to her uniform, then pinned his smaller badge in her ID wallet. She called Jackson Oxenhandler.


“Suppose I buy you and Ham a celebratory dinner at the Ocean Grill in Vero Beach tonight?”
