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“Sounds like I’ve got competition.”

“Well, maybe.”

“How about lunch; you free?”


“Come on out to Blood Orchid; meet me at the clubhouse, and I’ll show you what my new chef can do. Then we’ll play some golf.”

“Oh, I don’t think I can take the time for golf, but I’d love lunch.”

“Half an hour?”

“See you then.”

“I’ll leave your name at the gate.”


Holly freshened up and put on civilian clothes, then drove out to Blood Orchid. The guard waved her through the gate, and she drove to the clubhouse. As she got out of her car, she looked over toward the practice range and saw a very peculiar sight: Hurd Wallace taking a golf lesson! She went inside.

Ed was waiting for her at a table overlooking the golf course; he was the only other person in the dining room. She gave him a kiss and sat down.


“Maybe a glass of wine with lunch,” she said.

“I’ve already ordered for us,” Ed said. “Trust me?”

Holly smiled. “Anytime. How’s it going with Blood Orchid?”

“I’ll tell you, this is going to turn out to be a better investment than I thought. I’ve sold six houses and three building lots; we’ve already got construction started on two houses.”

“How so fast?”

“The corporation already had the building permits, and the buyers liked the plans.”

“That’s great, Ed.”

A waiter arrived with soup: lobster bisque.

“This is wonderful,” Holly said, tasting it.

“This new chef is a wonder, that’s why.”

“Where’d you find him?”

“In New York; he was the number-two man in a big-time restaurant, but he wanted to get out of the city. I was able to offer him a very attractive package, and he jumped at it. He’s got a lovely wife and two kids, one of whom is starting school this year. I’ve helped him get the boy into a good private school.”

“Sounds like a wonderful deal for him,” Holly replied. “But how about you? Is this going to be a big enough operation to afford that kind of talent?”

“I want only the best,” Ed said, “and by this time next year, the place will be generating big revenues. Everybody I’ve hired has been the best available—except for my security chief, of course; he’s second-best.”

“I saw Hurd out on the practice range, having a golf lesson,” Holly said. “Never thought I’d see that.”

“Oh, Hurd’s a natural,” Ed said. “The pro thinks he’s going to be quite good.”

“Does he have time for golf lessons in the middle of the day?”
