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“Marina, it’s Holly.”

“I’m sorry, Holly; I know you’re angry with me.”

“I’m not angry, I’m worried about you.”

“I don’t feel in any danger,” Marina said. “They’re looking for Trini everywhere; he won’t come near me.”

“That may not be true. Don’t go home, Marina. Can you stay with a friend?”

“I’m going to my house,” Marina said. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. I’m going to cook myself some dinner and watch TV, and tomorrow I’m going to work.”

“I’m going to call the Lauderdale police and ask them to put a guard on your house.”

“I think it’s a waste of time,” Marina said, “but I can’t stop you. I have to hang up now, Holly; I’m at the grocery.”

“Listen, Marina, the FBI is going to get something in the papers stating that they now have the notebook. Once Trini knows that, he won’t be interested in you anymore. Wait until that happens before going home.”

“No, I’m going home. I’m tired of this.”

Holly had a thought. “Marina, have you scheduled the funeral yet?”

“The day after tomorrow at ten A.M., at Santa Maria.”

“Be careful,” Holly said.

“I will. I stopped and bought a gun.”

“Marina, you’re more likely to get shot with your own gun than protect yourself.”

“It makes me feel better. Goodbye, Holly.” She hung up.

Holly called the Lauderdale police and got the duty captain on the line.

“What can I do for you, Chief Barker?” the man asked.

“I’ve been protecting a woman that Trini Rodriguez has been trying to kill; he shot her mother and aunt in Sarasota.”

“I’m aware of that crime; every car we’ve got is looking for Rodriguez.”

“The woman’s name is Marina Santos.” Holly gave him Marina’s address. “Do you think you could put a man on her for a few days, until Rodriguez is picked up?”

“I think I can do that,” the captain said.

“She’s burying her mother and aunt at Santa Maria, the day after tomorrow.”

“I’ll put somebody on her at least until after the funeral.”

“Thank you very much, Captain. If I can ever do anything for your department, please let me know.” She hung up.

“Feel better?” Grant asked.

“Not yet. Give me Harry’s home number again.” She dialed it.


“Harry, I think I know how we might catch Trini Rodriguez.”
