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“I’ll talk to you later, if I find out anything.”

“Use my cellphone number,” she said. “You still have it?”

“I know it by heart.”

“Hurd, you remember that building over on the north side of the property that has the vaults?”

“Yeah, I got a look at it once, after the Feds busted everybody.”

“Do you know if there’s been any activity around that building?”

Hurd blinked. “It’s back in the trees, and the driveway has a sawhorse across it and a No Trespassing sign.”

“If you get a chance to do it discreetly, could you have a look at the place, see if there’s any sign that people have been in and out of it recently?”


“Don’t let anybody see you.”

“Okay, I’ll be careful. You want me to mention this to Ed?”

“No, keep it to yourself.”

“All right.” He got into his Range Rover and drove away.

Her cellphone vibrated in her pocket, and she answered it.

“Hi, it’s Grant. You okay?”


“I pulled some prints off your glass—”

“You mean you have a Junior-G-Man fingerprint kit with you at all times?”

“Sort of. Now listen.”

“I’m listening.”

“They’re already working on it. We should have some answers tomorrow.”


??Have you talked to Harry today?”

“Yes, and there’s nothing new down there.”

“Well, there’s something new here,” Holly said. “Ed came by this morning and introduced me to a man who’s thinking of buying a retirement home here. His name is Willard Smith.”

“The guy from the GSA?”

“How many Willard Smiths can there be?”

“I’d better get back to Harry with that.”

“Are you sure you should, Grant? I mean, in light of our conversation last night?”

“It’s something Harry ought to know,” Grant said.
