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“Dolphin Aviation?”

“If you can’t find it, ask. You’ll get there before I will, so just go inside and make yourself comfortable. Tell them you’re being picked up if they show any interest in you.”

“All right.”

“And keep your cellphone with you.”

“All right.”

Holly hung up, called the Sarasota Police Department, and asked for the duty commander.

“This is Lieutenant Brower,” a voice said.

“Lieutenant, this is Chief of Police Holly Barker, from Orchid Beach, Florida.”

“Where is that?”

“Directly across the state from you, east coast.”

“Oh, yeah, I’ve got it on the map. What can I do for you, Chief?”

“I’ve just learned about a double homicide in your city.” Holly gave him the address.

“How did you hear about it?”

“The person who found the bodies called me.”

“Why didn’t he call us?”

“There are very good reasons, Lieutenant,” she said. “The FBI are on this, too. The person who found the bodies didn’t witness anything. I’ll get back to you so you can talk to the witness later. In the meantime, I’m responsible for that person’s safety, and I’m taking steps.” Holly gave him her cellphone number. “You can reach me on that number later tonight or tomorrow morning at my office.”

“All right, C


“Now, listen. The shooter is very likely a man named Trini Rodriguez.” She gave him a complete description. “He may be hanging out in the neighborhood, waiting for my witness to come home. He drives a red Ford Explorer sometimes.”

“We’ll keep an eye out for him.”

“He’s wanted for murder in Fort Lauderdale, and the FBI want him, too. He’ll be armed and extremely dangerous.”

“What is your witness’s name?”

“I’ll let you know about that when the witness is secure. Good-bye.” She hung up. “Step on it, Grant,” she said. “Don’t worry about getting a ticket.”

Grant stepped on it.

At the airport, Ginny was waiting beside a larger airplane than the one Holly had flown. “We’ll take the Saratoga,” she said, “since we’ve got so many people.”

Holly introduced Grant to Ginny and Ham.

Ham looked Grant up and down, then turned to Holly. “Are you two . . . ?”

“Shut up, Ham, and get in the airplane.”


Holly was in the pilot’s seat, taking instruction, and she spotted the airport beacon, flashing green and white. “I have the airport,” she said.
