Page 55 of Dirty Work: Part 2

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“Information on what or who?”

“We have a common enemy, Mr. Pete, and we both want the same thing: Maserati Meek, dead. He’s still alive after your attempt to kill him.”

Panamanian Pete had heard the same thing. It was difficult news to hear. The man had nine lives.

The Kid continued with, “You were able to get close to him. I just want information on Meek, Mr. Pete. I want him dead, and I’m willing to do it myself. Me and my crew, we’ll take all the risk and we’ll hunt him down. I promise you it will get done. All I need from you is the same source that linked you to Meek’s business. I’m ready to take Maserati Meek for everything he has, and I’ll cut you in with the profit. You have my word, Mr. Pete.”

Pete was quiet but was listening. The Kid had his ear. He took another puff from his cigar and looked at Kid poker-faced. No one had any idea what he was thinking. Had he gone for the proposition, or did he feel that the meeting was a waste of his time?

“Fifty thousand just for information,” said Pete coolly.

“That’s all I’m asking for, and we’ll do all

the legwork.”

“You know what? You got balls, kid, especially for someone that can’t walk, and I respect that. We have a deal. I’ll hand over my sources, and I’ll expect you to get things done. Do you understand me?”

“I do,” replied Kid.

“If you fail to do so, or if you fuck me over, I’ll kill you and your entire family. Whatever you love, expect it to die painfully slow,” Pete warned in a stern voice.

The Kid nodded.

Everyone could breathe again. The deal had been set into motion. Now it was time for action—for The Kid to deliver what he promised on. The Kid spun himself around, and they all were ready to exit the cluttered room. But before they could leave, Panamanian Pete spoke to them with an afterthought, saying, “You got one month to make it happen.”

The Kid simply nodded. All he needed was the intel, and he was sure he could make Maserati Meek’s demise happen. He was yearning to do what Panamanian Pete failed to do. But this time, he saw his own payday too. It was one he hopefully could live a good life off of.


It was after midnight when Papa John parked on the suburban block and killed the ignition to the SUV. He sat a few cars away, watching his father’s place. Like always, the area was quiet. No passing cars, no people on foot, and almost every house was dark and still. Residents went to bed early in this part of town. Papa John lit a Newport and chilled. He spotted his father’s Benz parked in the driveway. He texted Dina’s phone. She replied: Fifteen minutes and your father will be gone. Papa John sat back and waited, smoking his cigarette. Fifteen minutes seemed like forever when he was horny like hell, but he had no choice.

It had been a trying day for him. Meeting with Panamanian Pete was nerve-wracking. He felt that The Kid had put them in a situation that was a no-win. How were they going to find Maserati Meek? The man had money and power, and he was in hiding. Where would they start? For all they knew, Meek could have fled the country and gone back to Egypt—and if so, there was no way to get at him then. And could they trust Pete? Papa John strongly felt that Panamanian Pete was just as dangerous to them as Maserati Meek. Was Pete truly the lesser evil?

Papa John pulled on his cigarette, finished it down to the butt, and then flicked it out the window. Ten minutes had gone by, and there was no sign of life yet. His father was still home. He was tempted to call Dina to see what the holdup was. He gave himself five more minutes.

Three minutes later, finally, his father made his way out the home and into his car. He started the vehicle and the Benz went backing out the driveway and drove away.

“It’s about fuckin’ time,” he uttered.

He could feel that pussy already pleasing him. He was aching to wrap his arms around Dina and go to work on her. To be on the safe side, he waited an extra five minutes, and then he called Dina and asked if it was cool to come inside.

“Yes,” she replied.

Papa John climbed out the vehicle and walked toward the house. He implemented the same routine—keep his head down, move coolly in the dark, and go to the back of the house, enter through the back door. Everything went smoothly. Dina was standing in the doorway, butt-naked this time. Papa John’s eyes lit up with excitement. He hugged her passionately and then thrust his tongue into her mouth. They kissed.

“Damn, I missed you,” he said.

“Ooooh, I missed you too,” she said.

He entered the house, their bodies and lips still latched to each other. She undid his jeans and reached into his pants to feel his glory. Papa John could feel his arousal escalating. Her hand against his erect manhood was tantalizing. Dina was hot and heavy too. She could feel her pussy running wet for him.

He kissed the side of her neck and grabbed her healthy tit. Dina exhaled with repentance. She promised herself not to ever see him again, but she couldn’t resist the temptation. When he contacted her, she replied in anticipation. It was so hard to stay away from him. She was either pregnant by him or his father. So far, the pregnancy hadn’t come up. It wasn’t an issue yet, but she needed to address it.

Once again she pulled herself away from their steamy episode. She looked at him and said, “Are you going to ask?”

“About what?”

“Seriously, Papa John? Remember? I’m pregnant.”
