Page 74 of Dirty Work: Part 2

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Kid released a few tears and let them trickle down his face.

“I just came by to say goodbye, big bro. I’m leaving the city. I don’t know for how long, but I know it’s time to go. But no matter where I’m at, I’m gonna always keep you close and you will never be forgotten. Oh, and I met someone too. You should see her, Kip. She’s beautiful and smart. And guess what? She beat me at chess, Kip. Can you believe that? I actually lost, and I lost to a girl. But you know what? She was definitely worth losing to.”

The Kid kissed his brother’s grave and stood back up. He planted his butt back into the wheelchair, took one memorable look at the site, exhaled, and started to leave. He had a plane to catch soon and a new life to live, away from Harlem and New York.


Officer Spielberg sat at the uptown bar and downed a shot of vodka. It frustrated him that the two bombings were still unsolved and they had no one in custody yet. He had worked tirelessly with the FBI, but still nothing. With Jessica dead, her being their only lead, and Eshon lost in the wind, he was greatly frustrated. But he wasn’t about to give up. He was determined to investigate this case night and day. The feds were relentless too. These certain terrorists seemed to be tricky, but Spielberg and his colleagues had the law and the manpower on their side to keep hunting. He just needed to take a step back from it all and get a closer look at things.

One good thing about the case was that he had been promoted to Detective Third Class. He was climbing the ranks in the NYPD, and from detective, he was determined to make sergeant.

He finished off his drinks and left the bar. Outside, he took in a breath of fresh air and studied his surroundings. The case never left his mind. He knew they were missing something, and he felt it was right in front of their faces. But what was it?

Meanwhile, Agent Daphne Moore and her team were moving in Maserati Meek’s operation.


St. Thomas was a paradise that stretched for miles and miles. With its ideal eighty-degree weather, the birds flying above in uncorrupted skies, the sun shining bright and friendly, and the rich blue ocean water so inviting and virtuous, the place was heaven. It was the perfect retreat for Kid, Eshon, Brandy, Devon, and Papa John and all seven of his kids and baby mommas, including Dina. Most surprisingly, Jackie, also known as Agent Daphne Moore, was there as well.

Jackie had called him and told him that they had arrested Meek and had enough evidence that the charges were going to stick. She didn’t need him to testify after all. Kid invited her on the vacation and was delighted when she said yes. She had arrived late last night.

They’d done it. They’d escaped the city with their lives and an abundance of cash that The Kid laundered into their Caribbean accounts. In total, they each received six hundred thousand dollars. They’d traveled a long road, and there was suffering and pain, but at the end, it was all worth it. The beachside resort was flawless. They were seated in the white sand, relaxing with their tropical drinks, enjoying the tropical music and the approaching sunset.

Kid sat coolly and watched the kids splash and play in the ocean with huge smiles on their faces. He was extra happy.

All afternoon Kid and Jackie were openly showing each other affection. One of Papa John’s daughters interrupted them by running over to play with him. She threw sand on Kid’s lap and he laughed. He picked the young girl up into his arms and hugged her warmly. He gave her a few little tickles to her belly, and she laughed and laughed.

Papa John had his entire family with him. It was insane at first to think of him bringing all of his baby mamas and his children with him to the Caribbean, but everything seemed to work itself out. Back in New York, he had a court date next fall to answer for his father’s shooting. Originally he thought he would run forever, but he thought about his children. He would be a man and face whatever punishment a jury of his peers deemed appropriate, but for now it was all about family.

Jackie stood up and stretched in her skimpy bikini. She looked around at the vast ocean and blue skies and drank in the tropical breeze. She turned around only to see Kid looking at her with a smile.


“You’re beautiful.”

“And you’re a tease.”

He smirked. “Me? How?”

“You never left that window unlocked.”

“Tonight, how about I leave my door unlocked so you can come and go like a lady? I want you to keep your virtue, Jackie. Or is it Daphne?”

“It’s Agent Moore to you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


“That’s how I address my elders,” he joked because she was several years his senior.

“You want to take that trash talk to the chess board?”

“What are we playing for?”

“Your virginity.”

Kid grinned. She had no idea what he was working with. “You gonna find out the hard way that I ain’t no virgin, Mrs. Kane.”
