Page 32 of Wifey: Part 1

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Seeing that those two chicks were out of town, I didn’t really look at them as too much of a threat, compared to Jasmine, who was right here in New York with Nico and had daily access to him.

Jasmine was not respecting me at all, in terms of contacting Nico. From the pattern of her calls and texts to him, I could see clearly that something was up because the calls and texts were all throughout the day and night. And it was starting to increase to the point where she was in contact with him more than I was.

I made sure I called everybody I knew who lived in Queens and asked them did they know who Jasmine was. It proved to be a small world, because a few people I was cool with either knew her personally, or knew of her through other people. I made sure I took mental notes on everything people were telling me about her.

I kept hearing how cool Jasmine was with some chick named Simone, and I kept hearing how she was quickly trying to become the next big video vixen. The other thing I kept hearing was that Jasmine and her crew were nothing but money-hungry, gold-digging ghetto whores.

Basically, after doing my informal background check on Jasmine, I didn’t feel like she was the absolute biggest threat in the world. But, regardless, she was still a threat, and I wanted her removed from the picture, so I kept digging and investigating to see what else I could find out.

What turned out to be a wild revelation to me was, on the same day I had called Jasmine and told her to stop calling Nico, I noticed an incoming phone number on his account history. It looked like the call went to voice mail, because it was only one minute long. So I blocked my number and called it back, and the call ended up going to voice mail. There was a female’s voice on the voice mail, but I wasn’t sure who the chick was. The fact that the number had a New York area code definitely piqued my interest, tho

ugh, so I Googled it.

I was shocked by what I saw come up in Google. There was a long list of links from Google that took me to Craigslist ads associated with the number, all in the escort section of Craigslist. I clicked on all of the ads I saw in Google, and each ad had some chick named Chyna who was basically prostituting herself, but she wasn’t making it blatant. For example, one ad said she was offering “full service for two hundred and fifty roses,” and other similar ads had different prices, but they were all obvious cover-ups for prostitution.

Immediately after seeing all of those ads, my heart started to beat with fear. I was wondering if Nico was paying for pussy, and if he was, how long had he been doing this? And with how many chicks? Why would he feel the need to fuck prostitutes?

My heart continued to pound as I looked at the ads. I was trying my hardest to see if I could recognize who the chick was. It was hard to tell for sure because, in some of the pictures, her face was blurred out, and in other pictures, she had a black line passing through the upper part of her face. In some pictures you could tell that she took a picture of herself with her back facing a mirror so that you couldn’t see her face, and you could only see her ass and the back of her body in the picture.

I analyzed every picture. All of a sudden it was like my heart stopped, and I realized that Chyna could actually have been Jasmine. “Oh my fuckin’ God!” I said out loud to myself.

Immediately I called the number back from my blocked number, and again the phone rang out to voice mail. I listened really closely to see if could make out the person’s voice, but I wasn’t able to say for sure that it was Jasmine.

I went back to looking at the pictures, and before I knew it, more than an hour had passed by, and I was still analyzing them. I was becoming more and more convinced that it was, in fact, Jasmine in the pictures. The girl in the pictures was the same complexion as Jasmine, and looked to be about the same height, and had the same hair color and hair texture.

Finally after playing detective for what seemed like hours, I saw part of a tattoo on the back of the girl’s right hand, only partially exposed. I went back and looked at all of the ads again, and in each ad, the tattoo was not visible. I realized that it was purposely covered up.

“That’s muthafuckin’ Jasmine!” I said out loud to myself after looking at the picture with the partial tattoo again. I was one hundred and fifty percent certain that Jasmine had a tattoo on her right hand. So then I sat there and connected all of the dots in my own mind. There was no way this could all be coincidence.

Like, what were the chances that both Jasmine and some other random chick would both have tattoos on their right hand and they both called Nico?

“You fucking bitch! I’m about to blow up your whole shit!” I said out loud to myself. I was ready to go to war like I was a chick from the hood.

I started to print out each ad that I saw, just in case they somehow got deleted or I couldn’t find them again at a later date.

At that point my heart wasn’t beating as fast, and I was feeling confident because I now knew exactly how to pull Jasmine’s card. I grabbed my cell phone and was going to call her, but instead I decided to send her a text message.

You couldn’t just stay in your own fucking lane! You had to test me. It’s all good because I’m about to pull your card!!! J

No more than two minutes after I sent that text, Jasmine texted me right back and said:

I could tell you some Real hurtful shit but I won’t. Keep fucking annoying me though and I just might.

I laughed when I read her message because I couldn’t wait to see what Jasmine’s response would be to my next text message to her which was:

Whateva bitch! Don’t make me tell the world your nickname…

After I sent that text message, I waited and I waited, and after about an hour I realized that Jasmine wasn’t going to respond to me. I thought that she was probably panicking and freaking out, wondering if I knew that her prostitution nickname was Chyna.

I decided to send her another text just to get under her skin.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you not to fuck with my MAN!!!

Once again, after I sent that text, I got no response from her. I knew I had touched the right nerve. I wasn’t satisfied though with just knowing that Chyna was out there prostituting herself. I wanted to see if I could find out anything more about her best friend Simone and also this dude name Carlos, who was supposedly her manager for her music video career.


