Page 48 of Wifey: Part 1

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“Nico, I just killed somebody.”

“Don’t nobody know shit, and we gonna keep it that way, a’ight?”

Jasmine looked up at me and nodded her head as she continued to cry.

I wiped her tears away. “I told you I got you, right? And I meant that shit.”

“OK,” Jasmine said in a soft voice.

“Go home, get a bunch of paper towels and alcohol, and wipe down the steering wheel of your father’s car, and make sure you take a shower. You do that, and no gun residue can be traced back to you. The weapon is gone, so they don’t got shit. They’ll run Shabazz’s background, and they’ll know he was from the streets, and this whole shit will go away before it even starts.”

Jasmine kept quiet for a moment and so did I and then she gave me a strong hug.

“Do you love me, Nico?”

I looked at her and gave her a kiss on the lips. “You know I do.”

Jasmine then hugged me even tighter, and before long we both were going our separate ways. I had to give it up to Jasmine. She was definitely a rider!



I didn’t even respond to Jasmine’s text message about the war already being won because she had captured the king. I knew exactly what she was trying to say, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel chumped, cheap, played, used, and disrespected.

I also knew that getting back at Jasmine was going to be easy. I was going to start by printing up flyers of her Craigslist ads and then pay some Mexicans to put the flyers on all the cars near her house and near her school. To expose her whorish snake ass, I was also going to purchase a billboard near the busy Jamaica Avenue shopping district in Jamaica, Queens, which wasn’t too far from where she lived.

I wanted Nico to find out about Jasmine’s secret life on his own. I didn’t want nothing coming directly from me because I felt that he would be more likely to kick her ass to the curb if he found out about her secrets from an outside party.

After Jasmine had sent that response text to me, I decided it was stupid for me to just lay in the bed sulking, crying, and depressed. I got out of the bed and called my home girl Sharmel and told her part of what had been going on, and that I just needed to get away for a few days. Sharmel knew that meant that I wanted her to get away with me. She readily accepted my offer of an all-expense-paid getaway to Miami for the both of us.

If it had been up to me, as soon as Sharmel said that she would go with me, I would have booked our tickets for us to leave right then and there that night, no matter how much the plane tickets cost. But Sharmel couldn’t leave until the next day, so I ended up going on to, where I booked our plane tickets, hotel stay, and car rental all for the next day.

Even after I booked the trip, as much as I tried to ignore and block out what Jasmine had said to me in her last text, I just couldn’t let it go. There was a part of me that felt like I just had to put something out there to let her know that her actions weren’t fazing me, even though they were. So instead of texting Jasmine directly, I decided to just go on Twitter and send out a tweet because I had a good strong feeling that if she wasn’t following me on Twitter, then she was checking my Twitter page on a regular basis. I knew I would be able to send her a subliminal message in a language and tone that she would easily understand and let her know that shit was all good in my life, regardless if she was fucking my man.

I went back on to my computer and logged on to and sent out a tweet that said:

Heading to the Shelborne Hotel in Miami, me and my girl about to do it up real big down there in South Beach! So don’t hate, stunt bitches!

I felt good after sending that text because it made me feel like I did actually have some sort of power and control over my life, and at the same time I knew it would sting Jasmine and her hating ass.

By the time Sunday evening came, Nico still wasn’t home, and to be honest, I was kind of glad. I was also hoping that by the time I was to leave in the morning that he wouldn’t be back. I wanted him to come home to an empty house and not find me there, making it seem like I had just totally vanished off the face of the earth for five days.


By five o’clock Monday morning Nico still wasn’t back home, and I was already up, showered, dressed, out the door and in the car service on my way to the airport to meet up with Sharmel.

Our flight wasn’t scheduled to take off until eight o’clock that Monday morning, but we wanted to arrive at the airport extra early just because we knew the airport would be packed with people, it being a Monday. It turned out that even though the airport was crowded, we were able to check in right away, and we made it quickly through the different screening checkpoints.

Sharmel and I ate breakfast at a small eatery located inside the airport terminal, and then it seemed like before we could blink it was time for us to start boarding the plane. And almost on cue as we were about to board our flight, Nico began blowing up my phone. I purposely kept sending him to voice mail just so he could see how it felt to be on the other end of the disrespect.

“Nicholas Carter doesn’t even exist to me for the next five days,” I laughed and said to Sharmel right before turning off my phone and boarding the plane.

“You ain’t say nothing but a word. You know how I do. I ain’t calling to check in with my man either, so it’s all good. I just hope you can keep up with me.” Sharmel gave me a pound, and we both laughed as we made it to our second-row seats on the plane.

Our first-class seats definitely helped to make for a smooth flight. When we landed I picked up the Chevy Tahoe I had rented, and seeing that I had told Sharmel not to bring any luggage, the first thing we did even before checking into our hotel was go shopping.

I bought Sharmel and myself two different outfits for every day we were going to be in Miami, and I also bought us nice two-piece suits, one for the beach and a separate one for the hotel pool.
