Page 109 of Wifey: Part 2

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I could have been anything I wanted to be, but now that is no longer the case, and my life will never be the same. Even after I get out of prison, my life will never be the same.

You remind me so much of myself. Jasmine, you are beautiful, and are smart, and you are determined, and therefore you can be whatever you want to be. I urge you to take to heart what I am saying and just be smarter than I was.

I competed with you because I was jealous of you. I had a lot of hatred in my heart, and I was afraid my star couldn’t shine unless I snuffed out your light and prevented it from shining.

But tonight, Jasmine, before you go to bed, do something that I no longer have the freedom to do. Stand outside or open up a window and look at all the stars shining and see if you can count them all. What you will find is that the stars are too numerous to count. I was too ignorant to realize that stars can shine together with no problem. I didn’t have to stop your shine in order for my star to shine. I pray that you can learn from what I am saying and learn to be secure in who you are, and you are a star.

I know you have put up with the same things with Nico that I had to put up with. But right now as I sit here in jail I am trying to decide if I will testify against him. I pray that you will never have to be in a similar position. What I know is that if you focus on forgiving and not competing, then you won’t end up where I am.

I am not asking you to be my friend, but I needed to write this letter to you so I can move on. If you have ever done anything to hurt me, know that I truly forgive you from the heart. I ask you to find it in your heart to forgive me for all the wrong I have ever committed against you. But if you can’t, I will understand, but just remember that a lack of forgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. Ultimately, being unforgiving will have a worse effect on you than on the one you choose not to forgive.

Anyway, I am starting to ramble on, so I will end the letter now. I hope you can understand where I am coming from by writing this letter, and I also hope that you receive this letter in the good and sincere spirit in which it was written.

Jasmine, YOU ARE WIFEY!!!

Sincerely and with Love,


“What you reading? A book?” Shane jokingly asked Jasmine.

Jasmine didn’t know what to make of Mia’s letter, but reading it made her feel good. It was definitely not something that she ever expected to receive in this lifetime from Mia. She put the letter away and planned to go back to it later. She didn’t want to be rude to her potential new boo.

As the plane took off and lifted into the sky, Jasmine looked out the window and marveled at the beauty of the universe. She couldn’t help but keep thinking back to Mia’s letter.

Wow! she thought. Mia actually told me what I always wanted to hear her admit. She actually told me in writing, and she actually openly admitted that I AM WIFEY!
