Page 16 of Wifey: Part 2

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An hour and a half later, two Nassau County cops came to his cell accompanied by the racist cop.

“There’s your black nigger right there,” the Port Authority cop said to the Nassau County detectives.

The detectives introduced themselves, and then they placed Nico in handcuffs and escorted him to an empty room.

“Yo, what the fuck is up? Port Authority arrests me, but Nassau DTs are questioning me?” Nico asked as he took a seat at the table.

“Do you want anything to eat or drink?” one of the detectives asked.

“I wanna know what the fuck I’m being held for,” Nico shot back.

At that moment, a Port Authority sergeant knocked on the door and whispered something into one of the detectives’ ears. The detective got visibly upset, his face turning bright red. And he told his partner to step out into the hallway with him.

“His lawyer is here,” the detective told his partner.

“What the fuck?” He looked at the sergeant for answers. “We told you guys not to let him lawyer up until we had a chance to question him.”

“We never let him use the phone,” the sergeant replied.

“That’s bullshit! How the fuck is his lawyer here if he didn’t make any phone calls?” The lead detective shook his head in disgust.

The larger police departments like the NYPD and Nassau County all looked on smaller police departments like they were inept. And that was definitely what the two detectives were thinking about the Port Authority police at that very moment.

“You mother fuckers are so incompetent,” the detective said to the Port Authority sergeant.

The sergeant didn’t reply because he wasn’t exactly sure if one of his officers had slipped up and allowed Nico to make a phone call.

“Don’t just stand there. Get the fuckin’ attorney,” the detective said with defeated disgust.

Nico’s attorney, Ron Thompson was a very well known and very powerful black attorney from Manhattan that most police departments both feared and respected. He was a former prosecutor who had started his own private practice, and he represented many high-profile clients.

The sergeant walked Ron over to the two detectives.

“Gentlemen.” Ron held out his hand for a handshake.

The detectives shook Ron’s hand, and then they all went into the room where Nico was sitting. The detectives took a seat, but Ron remained standing.

A relieved Nico was shocked to see Ron, but he made sure to keep a poker face after nodding to his attorney.

The lead detective was about to talk, but Ron interrupted him. “First thing, remove the handcuffs from my client’s wrists.”

The detectives complied, and then Ron asked them for a moment alone with Nico.

“How did you know I was here?” Nico asked.

“BJ called me from the airport after he saw you in handcuffs.”

Nico nodded.

Ron sat down across from Nico. “You didn’t sign anything or make any statements, did you?”

“I ain’t sign nothing, and I didn’t say anything.”

Then Nico went on to explain how they’d arrested him when he was about to step off the plane but never charged him with anything or told him why he was being arrested.

“Well, you know why?” Ron replied. “The shooting is dominating the news, and they are going to see if they can link you to it.”

“I ain’t have nothing to do with that shit. I was out of town.”
