Page 32 of Wifey: Part 2

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“That won’t be a problem because it’s not like I just go around opening up my legs to any and every nigga in the hood.”

Agent Gosling just gave her a look, and she immediately knew that Gosling was more than likely aware of her prostituting herself on Craigslist in the past.

“Trust me, that won’t be a problem.”

Agent Gosling’s phone rang, and he excused himself to take the call.

While Gosling was talking on his cell phone, Jasmine just couldn’t help herself. She took out her phone and sent Mia a one-word text message: Bitch! She waited for a reply from Mia but didn’t get one.

“Sorry about that,” Agent Gosling said. “Okay, so now listen. When you get home, what you need to do is use the bankcard to book the next flight to Las Vegas.”

Jasmine looked confused.

“Jasmine, this isn’t a free lunch. You need to get out to Vegas and smooth things over with Nico because, at the end of the day, if he doesn’t trust you, and if he moves on to Mia and leaves you behind without access to him, then what secrets will he ever spill to you? And if Nico doesn’t spill secrets to you, then the government really doesn’t need your cooperation, and we would have no choice but to lock you up for murder.”

“Ugghhh!” Jasmine was tired of Gosling always throwing the possibility of jail in her face. It was frustrating to her because she knew no one had seen her actually murder her ex-boyfriend Shabazz. She felt in her heart that they didn’t have the goods on her for that murder, but yet they were always hanging it over her head.

“Why do you keep saying that? That shit is so annoying. Just do me a favor and please stop hanging shit over my head. It’s not like it’s helping anything when you say that you’ll lock me up.”

Jasmine was also pissed off that she was going to have to dip into her twenty-five hundred dollars to purchase the plane ticket.

Gosling was about to reply, but Jasmine cut him off, saying, “And when will I get the apartment or the house that you promised me?”

“By the time you’re back, we’ll have an apartment for you.”

“All right,” Jasmine replied. “Where are Nico and Mia staying in Vegas?”

He told her and they ended their meeting. Agent Gosling felt good about the plan he had set in motion. Jasmine would do her best, but she didn’t know how she was going to be able to hold back from whipping Mia’s ass when she saw her. Her only hope was that it wouldn’t derail her new career as a confidential informant.


Mia looked at her cell phone and saw Jasmine’s text. She and Nico were walking together on the Las Vegas strip, taking everything in. She didn’t say anything to Nico about the text, but the very thought of Jasmine made her feel insecure. She wanted her permanently eliminated as a threat.

“You know what? I wish Jasmine hadn’t survived that shooting.”

Nico was eating the fried corn on the cob he had just bought.

“Did you hear what I said?”

Nico again ignored Mia.

Mia sucked her teeth, and the two of them continued to walk with no specific destination, just enjoying the warm weather and taking in all of the sights.

“Get off that insecure shit, Mia.”

Mia didn’t want to be walking on thin ice, so she apologized.

“Nah, you don’t have to apologize, but I’m just saying, don’t wish death on Jasmine like that.” Nico threw the corn into a nearby trashcan. “This shit is nasty.”

Nico walked over to a huge fountain, where kids were making wishes and throwing coins. He hopped up on the ledge of the fountain and sat down, his legs dangling about two feet off the ground.

He motioned for Mia to come to him, and she walked over and stood between his legs with her back to him. Nico leaned forward so that his chest was touching Mia’s back, and he clasped his hands around her waist and held her tight.

Mia felt so good. She was somewhat shocked because Nico had never shown any public displays of affection toward her.

Nico had to make Mia feel secure because, with the feds watching him so closely, he needed her to take on risks that he couldn’t take himself. She had already shown that she was willing to do anything for her man, and Nico wanted to keep it that way.

“I’ll keep it real with you—I can’t say I wish Jasmine was dead, but I do wish she was as thorough as you.”
