Page 38 of Wifey: Part 2

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“It’s strawberry ice. This shit will get you fucked up.”

Jasmine was intrigued. Within seconds Derek had put the finishing touches on the blunt, sparked it, and handed it to her.

“Wake and bake! That’s what the fuck I’m talking about,” Jasmine took a real long pull on the blunt and then handed it back to Derek.

For a good fifteen minutes Derek and Jasmine sat and smoked and got high as kites. Jasmine then went to take a shower, while Derek rolled up another blunt.

The NFL had a strict drug policy, but during the off-season, most of the players violated that drug policy. They’d clean out their system a couple of weeks prior to the start of camp so they wouldn’t jeopardize their multimillion-dollar contracts.

After Jasmine had showered and gotten dressed, she and Derek finished off the second blunt and made their way downstairs to a restaurant called Society Café. At that point Jasmine was totally enjoying herself and could have cared less about her mission of finding Nico and getting close to him.

“Table for two?” the hostess asked Derek and Jasmine.

“Yes, please,” Derek replied.

“Right this way.” The pleasant hostess showed Derek and Jasmine to their table.

As soon as Jasmine and Derek sat down, Jasmine picked up the menu and stared at it.

“Oh, my God! I am so high right now, I can’t even see the words on this menu,” Jasmine laughed and said.

“I told you, that strawberry ice will do it to you every time.”

Forgetting about the menu, Jasmine put it down and reached across the table and took hold of Derek’s hand. Derek looked into Jasmine’s eyes.

“This is exactly the type of getaway I was hoping for. I’m so glad I met you,” Jasmine remarked.

“I feel you. I’m glad we met too. But why you talking like we not going to see each other again?”

Before Jasmine could respond, an Asian waitress approached the table and introduced herself and asked if they were ready to place their order. Derek spoke up and asked Jasmine if she minded if he ordered for her.

“No, not all. You know I can’t see that menu anyway.”

Since it was getting close to noon, Derek proceeded to order drunken noodles for the both of them, Pad Thai for himself, and a Thai breakfast omelet for Jasmine.

“Okay, and can I get you anything to drink? Coffee, or orange juice maybe?”

“Yeah, you can get us two mimosas,” Derek replied.

The waitress jotted everything down. “Be right back.”

“You trying to keep me twisted, I see. As high as I am, and you ordering me a mimosa?” Jasmine smiled.

Right after Jasmine said that, she went quiet as she directed her attention toward the entrance to the restaurant, where she saw Mia and Nico enter. Mia immediately pointed in the direction of Jasmine and Derek, like she had a Jasmine radar.

“Shit,” Jasmine said under her breath.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking about something,” Jasmine said, not wanting to alarm Derek.

The last person Jasmine wanted to see at that moment while she was with Derek was Mia.

The hostess seated them on the opposite side of the restaurant, well within Jasmine and Derek’s view and vice versa.

Jasmine decided to just ignore Mia and Nico and directed her attention straight ahead to Derek.

At that point the waitress arrived with their mimosas, and she told them that their food would be out shortly.
