Page 50 of Wifey: Part 2

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“Can you talk?” Gosling asked.

“Yeah, I can talk.”

“Talk to me about the shooting last night at Bebo’s wake.”

Jasmine paused.

“What is Nico saying? The funeral is this morning. Is he going?”

“Listen, things have been so crazy and happening so fast, I haven’t even seen Nico since I got back from Vegas. I’m going to—”

“Let me explain something to you, Jasmine. I need you to treat this like it’s a full-time job. You need to eat, drink, shit, and sleep what you agreed to, and cut out this half-ass bullshit you’ve been offering up.”

“But I’m trying. You just don’t understand.”

“Well, try harder. I need information, and you’re not giving me anything. Before you left for Vegas, you had nothing. You go out to Vegas and come back with nothing. There is a major shooting, and you have nothing. You do understand what we agreed to, right?”

“Yes,” Jasmine meekly replied.

“Well, then what’s the problem?”

Jasmine sighed. She was tired of getting chewed out. “I just need more time.”

“Time? That’s all I keep hearing: you need time.”

Getting close to Nico was going to be tough, but she didn’t want to tell Gosling that. She also didn’t want to tell him that she had found out where Black Justice hung out and that she had formulated a plan to get close to him. What she wanted to do was first get something concrete and then let Gosling know what she had come up with.

“How much time do you need?” Gosling asked in a disgusted tone.

“Two weeks.”

“Two weeks . . . ”

Jasmine waited for Agent Gosling to tell her how he was going to throw her black ass in jail if she didn’t come up with the info they needed.

“I tell you what. Make it a full thirty days. But in thirty days I don’t want any excuses. None. Are we clear?”

A slight smile appeared across her face. “No excuses.”

After the call ended, Jasmine went back to the mirror and continued to examine the tattoo on her neck. She loved the way the tattoo looked, even though it would take at least another two weeks for it to fully heal.

Jasmine had heard that on Friday nights Black Justice could usually be found at a strip club called Sue’s Rendezvous. Sue’s was located in his hometown of Yonkers, which wasn’t too far from the Bronx and Harlem, areas of New York that Black Justice pretty much controlled.

Jasmine and Simone weren’t the biggest fans of strip clubs, but Jasmine had convinced Simone to go with her to Yonkers. She explained to Simone that they had spent too much time fucking with dudes from Brooklyn and Queens, and that it was time for them to start mixing it up with dudes from Harlem and Bronx.

Simone continually stayed on the prowl, hoping to land a baller who would spoil her and take care of her, so it didn’t take much convincing. The only thing Simone couldn’t understand was why Jasmine wanted to play with fire. Simone couldn’t exactly put her finger on it, but she instinctively knew that things were on a downward spiral between Nico and Jasmine.


It turned out that Jasmine and Simone had picked the right night to go to Sue’s Rendezvous. Two of the chicks from Basketball Wives were scheduled to make an appearance at the club, and a popular porn star was also dancing there that night. When Jasmine and Simone pulled up to the club at one o’clock in the morning, the streets were flooded with high-end cars, and there was a long line of people waiting to get in.

Jasmine didn’t want to spend fifteen minutes circling around looking for a parking spot, so she let the valet park her truck for her, and she and Simone made their way toward the entrance of the club.

It was summer time, so Jasmine was wearing a pair of tight shorts and a twelve-hundred-dollar pair of black Jimmy Choo peep-toe suede shoes with a five-inch heel and back zip. Simone was also dressed sexy, but she was more conservative with a pair of form-fitting jeans and much less expensive high heels.

As the two of them approached the front of the club, a bouncer spotted them and called out to them. “It’s just the two y’all? No dudes?”

“Yeah, just me and her.” Jasmine smiled.
