Page 93 of Wifey: Part 2

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Jasmine heard someone coming up the stairs, and it was like right at that moment she saw her life flashing before her eyes. She knew she was going to certainly die.


Jasmine heard a booming voice yell out her name, but she stayed perfectly still.

“JASMINE! Yo, you up here?”

With all of the clothes surrounding her, Jasmine could barely make out the voice. After a few seconds, she didn’t hear anything. Then she heard a cell phone ringing. She wanted to die. She was so stupid; she had left herself phone in the kitchen when she had first entered the house.

“Yo, this me. I just touched down about an hour ago. I’m at the crib.”

Jasmine heard every word being spoken, and then it all hit her. That was Nico’s voice. She quickly popped her head through the mountain of clothes, so she could get some air in her lungs. She then stood up and left the clothes on the floor. “Nico?” she said, pushing open the closet door.

Nico had only stuck his head into the bedroom to see if Jasmine was in there when he had called her name, so when he heard her, he came back into the bedroom from the hallway.

“You scared the shit out of me!” she said to Nico.

Nico didn’t say anything and just stared at Jasmine. He hadn’t seen her in so long, he was captivated by her.

She looked at Nico and noticed that his skin was real even-toned and that he had gotten two shades darker. He looked as sexy as she ever remembered him looking.

Jasmine forgot about everything she had been thinking and was no longer scared. She went right toward Nico and gave him a really big hug. “I missed you so much!” she said to him, and tears instantly started running down her face. She cried while holding him.

“I’m home now. Stop crying.”

“I thought you were through with me, baby.” Jasmine leaned back and looked Nico in his eyes while still crying.

“I was handling business. You know that.”

Jasmine shook her head, and through her tears she smiled and looked at Nico, slowly shaking her head. “I want to be so angry with you right now. And I can’t. I hate that about you. Uggghhh!”

Nico looked around the room but didn’t say anything.

“You wasn’t calling me, you wasn’t getting word to through your boys or nothing! It’s like ever since I had got arrested that night, you just went funny style on me, and you never explained why.”

“I wasn’t calling because them boys was listening, and I had to stay off the grid. I was protecting you by not calling you and possibly getting you jammed up in my shot.”

“I hate your ass! Uggghhh! God!” Jasmine punched Nico in the chest.

She wanted to go so hard on Nico and let him have it. She felt like all that she was going through, being a confidential informant, was all because of him. She felt like had he not left her to take the weight when she got jammed up and arrested that night, she never would have had to agree to be a confidential informant. But he left her stranded and didn’t even have the respect for her to call an attorney. He had left her no choice but to agree to snitch.

While Jasmine was thinking those thoughts, Nico was wondering about her. In his gut he knew she was snitching, and that was one of the main reasons that he had come back to New York. He wanted to get concrete proof for himself that she was a snitch, and he was planning on testing her.

Nico was no dummy. He knew women were caring and attached to their feelings by nature. Therefore, if he wanted to win back Jasmine’s trust to the point where she wouldn’t fear telling him the one hundred percent absolute truth, he had to fuck her and get back control of her mind through her pussy strings.

He reached out and grabbed hold of Jasmine’s arm and pulled her toward him. Then he slid his hand inside her sweat pants and started rubbing on her pussy.

Jasmine pulled his hand away. “You don’t speak to me, you disappear on me and just go about doing your thing with absolutely no cares about me at all, and now you want to just play with my pussy?”

“Stop fighting me.” Nico slipped his hand back inside Jasmine’s pants. He reached inside her thong and felt her pussy lips. He started gently rubbing on her clit. “I did have cares for you. Trust me on that.”

“Can we just talk? Seriously, let’s just talk and get all issues on the table, so I can really know that you hear me and whether or not you actually give a damn about me. And I can clear up anything that’s going through your mind.”

Nico guided Jasmine to the bed, laid her down, and took off her flip-flops. Then he pulled off her sweat pants and her thong.

Jasmine couldn’t believe that it was so hard for her to resist Nico. While she stared at him, Nico took off his shirt, and Jasmine could tell that he had been working out while he was in Florida because he looked more buff than usual.

Jasmine’s pussy was soon visibly leaking. That’s how wet she was. No man turned her on the way Nico did. She enjoyed other dicks, but no other dude gave it to her like Nico did, and no other dude made her as wet as he was able to make her.
