Page 95 of Wifey: Part 2

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“It would have been drama.”

“I live for drama!” Homicide replied with emphasis. “That bitch-ass nigga wouldn’t want to go to war with me. Trust me on that. I don’t want you sexing that nigga. You understand?”

Jasmine slowly nodded her head.

Homicide walked over to a bottle of water he had placed on the floor near where he was doing push-ups, and he opened it up and started drinking.

Jasmine sighed, and tears started to form in her eyes. “Look, baby, can I tell you something? And please don’t get upset.”

Homicide stopped drinking and listened to what Jasmine had to say.

“I know things are still new with us, but I really love you, and I want you to know that you can trust me.”

“I trust you, and I’m just saying I don’t want you fuckin’ that nigga.”

“That’s what I’m trying to get at—I just fucked him.” Jasmine cringed.

Homicide gave her a real intense look.

“I know it was stupid, baby. I know it. And I was kicking myself the whole way home. And please believe that I really only went out there to get these outfits and I had no idea he was even going to be there.” She looked at Homicide to see what his response was going to be.

Homicide said nothing, and Jasmine could tell he was tight.

“I just want you to trust me and know that I’ll always be honest with you, and I want you to always be honest with me, no matter what.”

Homicide nodded his head and drank some more water. “I respect that.”

Jasmine felt relieved to hear Homicide say those words.

Homicide knew no woman had ever been that honest with him. He also knew Jasmine could have kept that to herself and he never would have known. “I respect that because you didn’t have to say shit to me.”

“I just want us to be able to be completely honest with each other. I’m so tired of these relationships that I been in where no one is totally free to just be who they really are. I don’t want no superficial shit between us.”

Homicide then asked Jasmine to sit down. “Ever heard of Preme?”


Homicide nodded.

“Of course. I never met him, but I know him. Who doesn’t know Supreme?”

“Preme damn near raised me. He was like a father to me. He taught me the mathematics and all that. If it wasn’t for him, I would have never had knowledge of self.”

“I didn’t know you were close to him like that.”

“Well, the thing is, I woulda took a bullet for Preme without hesitating, and I put that on everything. I would have did a life bid in jail for him. But when we all caught charges and got indicted Preme started snitching. He was ready to cut a deal for himself and send me and a bunch of other cats to prison for a long time. I’m talking a minimum of seventy-five years. You understand what I’m saying?”


“So I ain’t never tell nobody this. You the first person I’m ever mentioning this to. And this is something that has to stay between me and you.”

“Okay, it will. Don’t worry,” Jasmine said, even though she wasn’t really sure where Homicide was going with what he was saying.

“So when I was sitting in jail, I find out Preme is snitching and I got in touch with my lawyer and asked him to see if he could cut a deal for me with the district attorney if I was willing to testify against Supreme. And my lawyer pulled it off for me. And I ended up ratting that nigga out.”

“Yeah, but if he was going to snitch on you, you was smart to do that.”

A bare-chested Homicide walked up to Jasmine. Smiling, he gently placed both of his hands on her cheeks, guided her head toward him, and kissed her on the lips.
