Page 47 of The Interrogator

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I am stripped naked and suspended upright in a kneeling position. My weight is born by a stanchion, holding my knees just inches above the stable floor by a thick neck collar and broad straps encircling the thighs and calves of my bent legs. The position leaves my head and face at the shoulder level of most of my female Thai handlers. This is how I will learn to rest and sleep. I have quickly learned that if I thrust my hips, I can frottage my penis against the thighs of the attending women. They kindly let me tease myself and step away well before any ultimate pleasure is derived. And so as Empress Suhan speaks, she knowingly smiles as my manhood brushes against the smoothness of her free flowing silk sarong. To further tantalize, she briefly parts the folds and I rub in earnest against her bare thigh to bring myself to full erection.

Miss Denise strongly suggested that in seeking the purpose of my incarceration in Thailand, I would pay a price for my persistence. And I will do so... but the cost, confinement and servitude at the plantation, is oddly acceptable.

I am not sure when Miss Denise correctly guessed the true

reason for my visit to Thailand three years ago. In viewing the website of Empress Suhan’s plantation on that cold winter’s night, I had become intrigued. But not in the manner of most male viewers. No, I did not fantasize about placing myself where Empress Suhan stood, in a chariot, holding the reins, brandishing a riding crop and governing naked female flesh. I envisioned myself in a much more obeisant role.

How long had Miss Denise known that I intended to introduce myself to Empress Suhan as her first pony boy? That just as with the women highlighted on the plantation’s website, I planned to give up all for a life of complete subservience, one of total enslavement to the will of the dominant woman.

Well the secrecy of Miss Denise’s sojourn in Thailand, the spinning of her web, will not be revealed at least not by this ‘moth’. A government sponsored program for altering the behavior of sexually deviant males cannot, will not be disclosed. And to further demonstrate Miss Denise’s power and resolve, I was returned to Thailand, just as she had threatened. But not until she amused herself for many weeks. Not before she ‘cured’ me of ejaculatory incompetence. When the time came, days after ejaculating to the signal of Sue’s clap, she arranged for a government jet, one equipped with a special chair, straps included, for the long flight.

Can this cure be worse than the affliction?

The Empress steps back, curtailing the transitory pleasure of the underside of my erect penis rubbing the warm flesh of her thigh.

“I remember your emails from three years ago. You seemed most enthusiastic about joining us. Though we occasionally come across cancellations, you gave us no notice. I was concerned.”

She stoops and the caring hands palm my scrotal sac and gently knead the testicles within. Her touch is exquisite, that of a proud owner. Though lustful and priapic, I feel strangely satiated. Have I found that for which I have so long been seeking?

“You’ll be run on a lunge line for a week or two in just bit and bridle. Your stamina needs building and you’ll need to be acclimated to the heat. Then you’ll be trained in harness to pull a light pony cart and eventually be toiling before the more conventional chariot, learning to convey guests wherever the whip and the reins direct you. All in time. The days are long here. You’ll be worked hard, totally controlled by my trainers and handlers. And later, when deemed properly trained, I’m sure you’ll labor well in entertaining my guests.”

“And if Dr. Evans’ assessment is correct, you’ll enjoy every moment.”

I feel my erect penis further stiffen. Is it her touch? The enticing words?

“Saturday evenings, we masturbate the pony girls... those who have properly performed for me. Since you’re the first male pony, I have not yet decided on your rewards. Maybe bring you to orgasm before the entire herd. The girls would enjoy that. And Dr. Evans provided very explicit detail on how you like your penis to be stroked. The count... the clap... the climax. No more aversive conditioned inhibition of the ejaculatory reflex for Sue’s Plaything. No. Here you’ll perform nicely erect and then, as a reward, be spouting like a whale.”

“And by the way. We received a reservation for a week’s stay from an attorney in New York, coincidentally a woman by the name of Sue. She looked over your profile on the website and insisted that after you’re properly broken, she be your first rider.”

“I had always planned to have pony boys at some point. And it seems there will be adequate demand. It was good of Dr. Evans to arrange your stay.”
