Page 10 of Nusquam

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“Your voice is getting higher and higher Douglas. You sound like little girl.”

“Yes, Ma’am. It’s... it’s... well... the Director took away my hormone pills.”

“Yes, and you seem so meek. It’s probably best for you, don’t you think? Without your little balls, dousing your system with artificial drugs counters what is best for you. What did happen to your little tidbits, Douglas?”

There comes a pause. Kelly smiles, well aware of the girly boy’s reaction... there is reluctance... there is remorse... and there is awed respect... for the woman with the resolve to so dramatically alter a life.

“You... you... snipped them. They’re gone.”

“And is that best for you, Douglas? Aren’t you more eager to serve now?”

“I suppose so.”

Kelly smiles as the reply comes with the sound of a suppressed sniffle. Douglas now so easily emotes. She finds it cute.

“I’ll put you through the Director,” Douglas’s reluctance to further discuss obviously mounting.

“Progress Kelly?” the Director’s firm voice booming.

“Mission accomplished. I have signed papers, copies of bank statements, brokerage accounts, all you need to begin the process. She’s yours. I am on my way to the hanger at Teterboro. It will be on the next flight out.”

“Excellent. I’ll have the legal team working within days. Meanwhile, do try to keep the girl chaste. It’s best they arrive here... wanting.”

“I will. She’s easily restrained. Bought a complete Segufix system. Too much money... too warped in desire.”

“That will change,” the Director offering a rare chuckle.

/> “Her latest visitor took her into danger again. Porcupined her nipples and labia... heated needles... and left her passed out hanging in suspension. I’m not sure how close she was to being terminal. And it was a woman... again. There was an equally endangering encounter last week... with a woman.”

“Do you think that is her gender preference?”

“Not sure. I think it’s more desperation... she will submit to anyone wicked and threatening... who will take her to the edge.”

“I see. Well we’ll assure she’s in constant discomfort... and happy here.”

“What role will the girl play?” Kelly’s curiosity insatiable. “She’s too short and soft to be stabled.”

“I agree. I reviewed her photos and measurements closely. We’ll put her through the evaluations. If no member finds interest, I’ll find a role for her here in my office.”

The response perks Kelly’s mind. The Director is discerning... firm... strict... and cruel. As young Douglas will certainly attest.

The phone abruptly clicks as Kelly pictures the neutered assistant. In her mind’s eye he’s in pigtails, make up with nails highly polished.

The vision brings a sigh. It’s for the best, she murmurs to herself with a shrug.

Chapter Eleven

Kelly slips her new key into the lock of the penthouse. She expects to spend another evening of drudgery, changing Pattie’s diaper, snapping on a leash and leading about her crawling nakedness for brief moments of exercise. It’s been a week since delivering the many legal documents, and keeping Patricia LaMange chaste and in thorough restraint a boring chore.

But on this visit, the door swings freely, thumping the wall with a hollow thud which echoes. When Pattie turns on the light, she is surprised... then realizes she should not be.

The apartment is more than empty, it has been stripped... no furniture... no carpeting... no curtains... and the walls newly painted a dull white. Moving to the bedroom turned dungeon Kelly finds equivalent emptiness, Pattie’s vast collection of bizarre BDSM equipment removed.

The sight of sanitized floors, walls, doors and ceiling is augmented by the smell. Chlorine.

The extraction team has been thorough, Kelly willing to wager that even the drain pipes have been cleansed, nothing of Patricia LaMange and her DNA to be left behind.

Moving to the bedroom where she expected to find her client strapped motionless and wallowing in her soiled diaper Kelly instead finds centered on the floor a white enveloped, sealed and neatly addressed to her, the team no doubt aware that she visits daily.
