Page 13 of Nusquam

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Oddly she wishes the irritating nurse would return... perhaps once again pinch her nipples in diversion from the endless nothingness.

Bladder needs overwhelming, 128 slowly presses, contracting the muscles of her belly. Her thighs encased together tightly, it requires effort. She feels a trickle then cries out, the electrical vaginal insertion seems to know, aware of her efforts. It zings with even more voltage.

She knows to stop. The insertion quiets, the pain subsides.

Once again 128 manages to doze. The light startles, the voice booms. Her reply comes earnestly... 1...2...8... this time followed by a plea.

“I need to pee!”

“Who needs to pee?

“1... 2... 8. Please I must go.”

“You will reference yourself with your number... not the pronoun ‘I’. And you will not urinate until commanded. At Nusquam nothing is done without a command and permission.”

“May I...” the girl quickly correcting herself, “may 128 empty then sleep? Please?”

“In time. That is for others to decide.”

Chapter Fourteen

Perhaps 128 should be grateful for the denial. For what little she was able to excrete, held within the confines of the constricting layers of plastic wrapping, now irritates the skin. She needs to scratch... she needs to move... she needs the exhilarating feeling of cooling air on skin long confined.

Then the voice returns, soft but remaining deep, the gender remaining indistinguishable.

“Why is 128 here?”

The girl has no reply. After a moment of silence the cruel electrified dildo shocks.

“Why is 128 here?”

Attention riveted, further pain to be avoided, subjugant 128 equivocates.

“I.... er... 128 is... well I... er 128 has needs that... well...I’m... I’m.... 128 has special needs.”

The strained attempt earns a jolt. Despite the darkness it seems the chamber alights, the voltage intense.

“The needs of 128 are of no consequence. 128 is here to serve and please... in any manner demanded.”

Subjugant 128 finds herself nodding in concurrence. The notion implanted, she reflects on her life since her father’s inheritance cleared probate. Profligacy... monetary and sexual profligacy. Everything she has done, every dollar tossed away, has been to satiate her deviant lust. Even hiring the well experienced Nurse Kelly to assure her sick fantasies play out 24/7.

And now, there are no fantasies. Instead there is nothing, her money, her home... her very life... signed away.

She is a number. Tattooed, the permanency not to be denied. And what was it the horrid nurse suggested... her reference to being marked... branded... pierced... modified at the whim of others?

128 swishes her tongue, sensing where earlier before the nurse pinched. ‘Snipping the frenulum comes first,’ she advised.128 shudders in fear. There comes the frightening realization that in being bound, enshrouded to both restrain and bring slow mounting discomfort, they can do anything... and forever.

It dawns... the sessions of D/s don’t end at Nusquam. There are no sessions... just a life of servitude and pleasure... for others.

“You may urinate. Prepare to empty yourself quickly and thoroughly at my command,” the voice ending thoughts of her stultifying yet dreary new existence.

128 contracts her stomach muscles in preparedness, knowing the task will be impaired by forcibly clenched thighs and the sizable vaginal insertion. She finds the pause distressing, expecting permission more readily. Then she realizes... she’s being programmed... both mind and body to be altered... discipline instilled.

“Empty,” finally comes the simple but most welcomed command.

128 presses, a warm flow... odorous, irritating... surely to enhance the burning itchiness of her sweaty skin... floods the interior of the encapsulating plastic. There comes relief... there comes dread. How long will she be left to wallow in her own juices?

Chapter Fifteen
